8:00 AM, 9:00 AM + 10:30 AM, Minooka

9:00 AM + 10:30 AM, Seneca, Coal City, Online

9:30 AM Shorewood




Coal City



What's Happening at The Village

Sundays March 16 through April 13
Where do you need to "Make Room" for God to take next steps of big faith/big risk for Him?
March 31, 2025
Mobile food pantry provides free food for families in the community.
April 4, 2025
A prom experience to celebrate guests with special needs. Get ready to dance and have a blast!
April 7, 2025
Families will be able to get enough free groceries (bread, dairy, meats, veggies) for a week or two at this Mobile Food Pantry.
April 14, 2025
Families will be able to get enough free groceries (bread, dairy, meats, veggies) for a week or two at this Mobile Food Pantry.
April 18, 2025
Join us this Good Friday as we journey through the most profound week in human history.

Encouragement for You

Find Rest Trust God The Village Christian Church

Where You Can Find Rest

By some miracle, I woke up easily and full of rest Sunday morning-time change Sunday! I was sitting on the couch thinking through the day, asking God what He had for me

Glorious Day Joy Blessings From God The Village Christian Church

It’s A Glorious Day!

The innocent joy in my son’s voice as he proclaimed, “It’s a glorious day!” lingers in my heart even a decade later. While that summer day held disappointment for me, it has

joy peace lasting joy The Village Christian Church Philippians

Finding Joy in All Circumstances

In a world filled with uncertainty, challenges, and heartaches, finding joy can be a struggle. Yet, the Bible—particularly the book of Philippians—reminds us that joy is not merely a fleeting emotion. It’s

Disciple of Jesus Lifegroups The Village Christian Church

What Does It Mean To Be A Disciple Of Jesus

Being a disciple of Jesus is a transformative journey, one that calls us to live out our faith in deep, committed ways. A disciple isn’t merely someone who knows about Jesus. Rather,

Marriage ReEngage God Relationship

What Happens When You Let God Into Your Marriage?

Marriage is so easy, said nobody ever! Hurting. Thriving. Painful. Great. Disconnected. Committed. So/so. However, you might describe your marriage; I think we can all agree that marriage is a journey! For