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Back To School Wisdom

The end of summer conjures many different emotions from different people, here is some back to school wisdom for you…

Summer’s End

As summer winds down, it’s a time to look back on all the memories—whether it’s enjoying countless popsicles, patching up scraped knees, or splashing around at the pool or beach with friends. There have been moments of joy, sibling squabbles, and countless hours of cheering on your kids in their favorite activities, including America’s beloved pastime, baseball. Many of us have also savored family vacations and cherished quality time together.

For working families, you might be thinking, “No, summer can’t be over yet! We haven’t done everything we planned!” That feeling of wanting more time is completely natural. And for those who stay at home, perhaps you’re looking forward to the routine of school days and a bit more quiet time. Both feelings are valid, and it’s important to remember: you are a great parents, no matter which perspective you have. God chose you to be the parent to your kids, and He knows you are the perfect fit for them.

New Beginnings

As we transition from summer to the school year, let’s embrace this new season with joyful, God-filled hearts. Our children, especially the little ones, are incredibly observant and absorb everything they see us do. Starting the school year with genuine faith and a desire to deepen our relationship with Jesus can have a profound impact on our families. When we model a life of bold, faith-filled living, it sets an inspiring example for our kids. They notice how we handle stress, how we worship, and how we live out our faith. These moments leave a lasting impression.

Matthew 5:13-16 reminds us:

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

Consider doing a family Bible study, praying together, listening to worship music, and having Jesus-centered conversations. Shine your light before your children and show them the joy of a faith-filled life.

A fun way to grow in faith together is by attending family-friendly, Jesus-centered events. One such event is FamBlitz, which we will be hosting soon. FamBlitz is a live, Nickelodeon-style event that uses games and excitement to teach the whole family about Biblical principles. Parents and children play games together, learning and having fun while hearing the Gospel. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect as a family through fun and laughter while growing in your faith. When your kids see you enjoying learning about Jesus, they’ll be inspired to do the same. Let your light shine brightly for them to see.

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