I had an appointment that morning. I don’t like to be late, so I was being very careful to finish up what I was working on so I could leave on time.  However, I needed to take some time to pray so I went to the prayer room for some privacy.  I lifted up many people and many things and then, right before I was finished, I prayed, “God, I know you don’t need me to do anything for you today, but I want to do whatever you would like me to do.  If there is someone I encounter today that needs to experience your love, please bring them to my attention.  Lord, I know I get busy and distracted.  Will you please make sure that I am aware of the person that needs to see you?”

Prayer is powerful my friends. God is powerful and there is nothing he cannot do, and He was getting ready to answer my prayer in a surprising and abrupt way!

I left the church on time. I had driven about half a mile when a car came flying up behind me and hit me. My appointment was my first thought, “I am going to be late. I hate to be late.” My second thought as I was pulling off to the side of the road was, “I hope they pull over with me and don’t take off. I better check their plate and remember it.” The third thought, as I got out of my car and saw the person that hit me was, “It’s her!” She was talking about a mile a minute, and while she was talking to me I was talking to Jesus. “This is her!  Wow, that was fast!  Thank you for hearing me, thank you for introducing us, what do you want me to say to her?”

The police took about half an hour to get there and half an hour to do paperwork. I had an hour to invest in this soul who was desperately in need of a relationship with Jesus. She was sharing her story with me as we waited on the side of the road with cars driving by. During that hour, she described a life of incredible pain, unimaginably difficult life circumstances. I could see that she was stuck at the point of her pain. For someone stuck fast in quicksand, this accident could have added more weight and pushed her under, but that morning, Jesus had other plans. Jesus saw me and he saw her and changed both our plans into a divine appointment.

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle of heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”  Matthew 11:28-30 (NLT)

Read A Divine Appointment Part 2