Loneliness is a real feeling, especially in the times we’re in. The pandemic is resulting in isolation and feelings of loneliness that are difficult. We’re told to social distance and stay home to keep our family and loved ones safe. The struggle is real and today we want to encourage you with ways you can survive, and even thrive, through loneliness.

Start Each Day With A Positive Attitude

How you start your day determines how it’s going to go. If you wake up determined to be positive and have a good attitude, then your mind is more likely to follow.

My mother-in-law is in her 80’s and lives alone. It’s a situation that can definitely lead to loneliness, but we’ve set up a system where we check in every single day to remind her that she’s not alone. We’ve been doing it for over a year so far and haven’t missed one day. Each morning, usually around 6:30 am when she wakes up she sends me a text. They make me smile every time and I wanted to share just a few…

  • Good Monday morning–you are my sunshine 🙂
  • All together now, let’s sing “good morning to you” la-la-lah…
  • Catch the sun while you can!
  • Why did Johnny Appleseed cross the road? (Are you ready for this?) To get to the other cider (O groan up) 🙂

So here’s the thing…I’m ok if you want to steal the morning text idea. If it helps you or someone else, go for it! Think of someone – a friend, a relative, a child…and start each day with a positive text. It’s a way to connect, a way to smile, and a way to get your mind in a positive place.

Start Each Day With Jesus

You can have peace, in fact, that is what God wants for you. He doesn’t want you to feel lonely…ever. God promises you peace if you trust Him. One way to trust is to be reminded daily that you are not alone and you are loved. One way to remind yourself of that is to focus on truth and spend uninterrupted time with Jesus. Find a quiet place. If that’s a challenge for you because you have a houseful, think about a closet or maybe a bathroom. Seriously, whatever works!

People with their minds set on you, you keep completely whole, Steady on their feet,                            because they keep at it and don’t quit.
Depend on God and keep at it because in the Lord God you have a sure thing. – Isaiah 26:3-4 (MSG)

This doesn’t mean you’re not going to have trouble, because the Bible tells us that we will have troubles. However, if you remain close to Him you will get through it. Here are some ways to remain close to Jesus:

  1. Pray, which is really just honestly talking to Him as a friend. Take time to be quiet as you pray so you can hear His response.
  2. Read the Bible. If you don’t have a hard copy, access it online.
  3. Work through a devotion or YouVersion Bible App reading plan. There are plans specifically about loneliness. 

The First Step Is To Start

Sometimes the hardest part is to get started. Today I encourage you to take that step, right now. If you take the time, God will definitely work.