Safety & Health

 Safety & Health

Your kids are precious and we want to keep them safe at The Village Christian Church. In fact, the safety and security of all kids in Kid Village is extremely important to us. Here’s what we’re doing to keep it a safe and secure environment:

  • All teachers have completed background checks and bios are on file at the check-in desk.
  • We have a secure check-in system. If you’re new at the Minooka Campus or Seneca Campus, download the KidCheck app for IOS or Android and you’ll be able to include all of your child’s information, such as allergies and special concerns. Numbered stickers are given to children and their parents or guardians. These numbers are required and verified at check-out.
  • Security personnel are present in case of emergency and to verify all identification stickers during check-out.
  • First Aid and CPR certified adults and medical professionals are present.
  • We maintain a continuity of teachers so your children will see a familiar face.
  • Parents are asked to use their best judgment and refrain from bringing children who show any signs of illness.
  • In the event of an emergency, children will be evacuated by teachers. Parents will meet their children outside of the building.
  • The Village Christian Church reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken at any church event, without the expressed written permission of those included in it. Photographs and video may be used in media, including but not limited to: ENews, Facebook, website, etc. Any person desiring not to have their photo taken can contact

“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it.” – Proverbs 22:6