Leadership Team

The Village is self-governed by the Leadership Team. Their role is to make sure our church is achieving its mission – helping people experience Life Change, Life Growth, and Life Purpose. This team consists of men and women from our church family who volunteer to serve a three-year term. They meet on the second Sunday of every month.

Leadership Team at The Village Christian Church

Back row from left: Charlie Pierce, Jason Gagliardo, Nate Ferguson, Derek Manning, Brian Zabel. Front row from left: Sarah White, Neil Hall, Kelli Diaz and Donald Rowden. 

Scriptural Authority for the leadership team

  • To be a Christ-like example
    Be an example for others, and evidence character qualities and public reputation that every Christian should possess. (Titus 1:5-9; 1 Timothy 3:1-7)
  • To be an overseer of affairs of the church
    Ensure that the elements are in place to meet the church’s mission  – to help people experience life change, life growth, and life purpose. (1 Timothy 5:17; Hebrews 13:17; Acts 20:28)
  • To be a shepherd
    Make sure people are loved and cared for. Someone who guards, feeds and cares for God’s people like a shepherd with a flock. The shepherd is responsible to equip God’s people for ministry (Ephesians 4:11-13), by guarding them against false teaching, giving them good spiritual counsel and food from God’s Word, training, comforting and helping them (Acts 20:27-31).

Elder Team

The Village has an Elder Team that meets monthly and focuses on the spiritual growth of our church and supporting our staff in prayer.

Elder Team at The Village Christian Church

Left to right: Mike Hayworth, Matt Bonomo, Ray Bodette, Brad Lanka, Joel Sandeno, Joe Trucano, Glenn Harms, and Sean Carter. Not pictured: Brian Pennington