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Are You Rooted?

What Do We Need Roots For?

“To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least-recognized need of the human soul” -Simone Weil, French Philosopher 

Roots are one of the most important parts of the plant. Stretching into the soil, roots provide stability for the plant, allowing it to sustain high winds or trampling. They gather nutrients and water from the soil, feeding the plant and sustaining its life. They even store some of these nutrients to provide the plant with food in seasons of hardship. Healthy root systems can even ward off disease and keep a plant focused only on absorbing nutrients that are good for it.

A few summers ago, my family took a trip to California and stood in awe in a forest of Redwoods. Redwoods are among the largest and tallest trees in the world. While their roots stay shallow in the soil, they spread 50–100 feet out from the tree. The roots intertwine themselves with the roots of all the other Redwood trees. This community of roots provide additional stability for the tree in storms and flooding.  

What Do Roots Need To Survive?

If you’ve ever gardened, taken a walk after a storm, watched the landscape change in times of drought, or seen crops decimated by bugs, you’ll realize that simply having roots is not all a plant needs to thrive. The roots have to stretch deep into the ground, and they have to be planted in the right kind of soil. They have to be watered and fertilized, and may even need to be surrounded by other plants that provide benefits to their well-being.  

Growing up, my parents always kept a large garden in our backyard. As a child, I helped till the soil, plant the seeds, water, and harvest the vegetables. I used to love the fresh green beans and cucumbers, while my mom would eat tomatoes by the pound. The garden thrived, and it was something I believed I could replicate at my own home.

Recently, my husband and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary, which also marks the 13th year we’ve been in our home. The first year we moved in, I planted a large garden in the back corner of our property. I watered it daily, my plants grew and flowered, and I became so excited about the fresh produce we would enjoy. As the vegetables began to grow, though, my plants began to shrivel. Some were eaten by beetles, deer, and rabbits. Some just dried up and sank back into the earth. I was so disappointed that all my hard work had amounted to nothing. I decided to stop planting things and, in fact, ripped out a bunch of plants around the house.

Don’t Give Up – Dig In

We put rocks in our landscaping, and I swore I wouldn’t plant again, as it was obviously something I wasn’t very good at. Sometimes, this is how our faith life can go. We try it for a season without laying any significant roots or really investigating how we can strengthen our faith. We come up fruitless. In our frustration, we don’t return to our faith or our relationship with God in a serious way. Because of fear that it won’t yield results, we may even become cynical or angry at God.  

Scripture often provides metaphors between plants and our relationship with God. Within Scripture, we are compared to seeds that need planting in the right kind of soil, branches that need to stay connected to the Vine, and trees planted by streams of water if we remain focused on His ways. 

Colossians 2:7 states,

“Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness (NLT).” 

Spiritual “Roots” Need Nourishment Too

If you were to examine your life right now, where have you laid roots? Are you planted in soil that provides you nourishment and hope, or are your roots thirsting after something that leaves you dry and wanting more? When the wind blows and storms set in, are your roots planted firmly in the ground, or do you feel tossed about and unsettled? Have you surrounded yourself with other plants that enrich the soil, intertwining their roots with yours to help you stand strong and shield you, or are you attempting to stand alone and wish for the best?  

Beginning September 11 at all campuses of The Village Christian Church, you will have the opportunity to spread your roots into good soil. To grow in a way that will be fruitful and long-lasting. To be planted in something stable and full of truth. The Village will be offering a program called Rooted for ten weeks beginning in September. And we will celebrate your growth on November 14.

Find What You Are Missing During Rooted

Our mission statement here at The Village is Life Change, Life Growth, and Life Purpose. Is your life is in a place where drastic change is needed, where you need to meet God face to face and invite Him into your heart? Rooted is the place for you. Do you know God, but need to grow in your relationship with Him and His believers? Rooted is the place for you. If you’ve been walking with God awhile, but you lack purpose and vision and don’t realize all the plans that God has for you, then Rooted is also the place for you.  

For ten weeks, Rooted will walk all participants through the seven habits or disciplines of a relationship with God. Here at the Village, we have four core values: everybody grows, everybody serves, the Bible is our guide, and no boring here. The seven disciplines of Rooted will allow you to see these core values at play.

Everybody will grow while learning how to pray and overcome strongholds in their lives, eventually learning to share their faith journey with others and help others come to know and love the Lord. The Bible will become your guide as you work through your daily devotions and discuss Scripture in a group setting. Everybody will serve by learning about generosity and participating in a service project somewhere in our community. Plenty of fun will be had as you meet new friends, and we celebrate these ten weeks together over a meal, worship, and testimonies on Thursday, November 14.  

What Do You Have To Lose?

We encourage you to take this next step in your faith. It is our prayer that, through participating in Rooted,

“Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.”  -Ephesians 3:17-18 NLT 

Last year, after a decade of hiatus from planting anything in my yard, my kids and I bought lily bulbs. Carefully, we read the directions, found what we thought was the perfect location, and threw them in the ground. We took care of them, watered them, and fertilized them. This summer, they soared two to three feet into the air, and we enjoyed weeks of bright orange, yellow, and red blooms. These blooms brought great joy to our family, and we spent multiple mornings eating breakfast out among our flowers. Visitors to the house and our neighbors commented on their beauty and size. With a small amount of research and work, we saw real results and were able to enjoy the change it brought to our landscape.

Come check out Rooted and see how God wants to grow you. See what changes this growth can make to your life and how others around you might notice the changes. Grow your roots into your relationship with God and see how it flourishes.  

Sign Up For Rooted

We can’t wait to see you there! 

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