It’s All About The Opportunity

In this blog I’ll talk about baptism and the opportunity for life change. Did you like playing in puddles of water when you were a kid? It was an opportunity to have fun and splash around, but most likely, you didn’t have dry clothes to change into. Did that stop you? My guess is the answer is no because you were focused on the goal of having fun so it didn’t matter. The opportunity presented itself, and you grabbed it. You didn’t wait, you didn’t make excuses…you just took action.

Opportunities don’t often present themselves at the perfect time. In fact, they may come up when you’re not prepared or when it’s not convenient. Easily one of the best parts about what I do is getting to watch people respond to the opportunity of a life-changing call of God and make the decision for baptism. And guess what…it usually doesn’t happen during a Sunday morning service.

One Day This Happened

One day I drove into church and my friend Tim drove in right behind me. I got out of the car and said hello. Tim replied and said he wanted to be baptized, RIGHT NOW! He’d been out on a walk that morning and felt this strong leading to commit his life to Christ and make the decision for baptism. Tim felt a sense of urgency and wanted to take action that day. So, he drove directly to church and was ready to be baptized right then and there.

By the way…he’d been thinking about it for a very long time. He would think about baptism, but then life and distractions would happen. This time he wasn’t going to wait until Sunday or even another hour once he made up his mind. He didn’t bring clothes to change into and our baptistery wasn’t set up. It would have taken at least an hour to set it up and fill it with water. Tim was not going to wait. So…we drove to my house and I baptized him in our pool! It was amazing! Afterwards he drove home in soaking wet clothes, but it didn’t matter to him. He was so focused on the opportunity to commit his life to Christ that the wet clothes didn’t matter.

Baptism is Open To You

Did you know baptism is open to you? It doesn’t matter what your past is, it only matters that you are ready to move forward into a relationship with Christ. You can experience life change. It’s what God wants for you.

Has God been tugging at your heart to make the decision of baptism? Why wait? God has your best interests at heart and He has a plan for you, but you have to take the first step of baptism. Make the decision right now. Make a commitment to Christ, no more excuses, no more putting this off. Say yes today.

Learn more about Baptism, or if you’re ready email

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. – Proverbs 3:5-6