“Be careful what you wish for” is a phrase we have all heard and felt before, I’m sure. Most of us consider this phrase following something difficult. But have you ever experienced it in a good way? I have and maybe you will find that you have too.

The past few weeks, I’ve been thinking that phrase quite a bit. Usually, I’m smirking and shaking my head at God’s plan for me lately. Between Life on Mission, the 60-day prayer challenge, Discipleship Journey, daily devotionals, and Lifegroup, many of us are praying for a closer relationship with our Father. For God to show us opportunities to witness.

Well, ask and you shall receive, right?

In my own life, I’ve noticed every one of my “buttons” being pressed and my patience being tested. I feel like God is all but screaming at me to lean into Him and yield to His will. It’s been TOUGH, but worth it and I’m happy I’m not “careful” in what I prayed over.

When we pray for life growth, life change, and opportunities, God will deliver! That’s not always easy because change is difficult, to say the least. But without it, we cannot grow closer to our Father and carry out His mission to expand the kingdom. The good news is that we can call upon the Holy Spirit, dive into scripture, lean on our church family, and pray to Our Savior to carry us through. Romans 5: 5 reminds us that,

“hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.”

We can call to God at any time for help, seeking strength in the Spirit!

And while we struggle in an abundance of opportunity, we can rest assured that God is working in our hearts and using us even in those times. Even if you feel like you can’t serve God where you’re at, He promises that He is using you. Throughout the Bible, we see examples of God using imperfect people to fulfill His mission. We can find comfort in knowing that He loves us, wants the very best for us, and is a perfect God capable of using our imperfect lives for His mission.

So if you find yourself struggling, know you aren’t alone and the work you are doing is good: you are working to be closer to our Lord and share the good news! Yes, be careful what you “wish” for. Give care to your prayers and watch God work through them!