Have you ever noticed that anything that really matters in life is not easy? Parenting, marriage, relationships…they all take work. There are peaks and valleys and it’s not easy. The fact is, following Jesus can be hard. Our culture is not focused on Jesus even though that is something that really matters. 

I was recently at an event for Heart for Africa where a man said these words:

When we follow Jesus, we don’t do so to make our lives easier.  We follow Jesus and he leads us to make our lives matter!

The Bible is a great place to find encouragement, especially during those hard times. I love the encouragement we receive from the writer in 1 Corinthians 15:

So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable.  Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. (1 Corinthians 15:58 New Living Translation)

Now let’s break that verse down so you can apply it to your everyday life:

  •          Be STRONG (even when it’s hard)
  •          Be IMMOVABLE (don’t move off from what you know is God’s Will)
  •          ALWAYS work enthusiastically (your life, your work matters)
  •          It’s USEFUL (not useless) when we live our lives for God.

Feeling a little down and need a pick me up? Read this verse every day for the next 30 days.

Know that God is calling you to make an important step for Him? Read this verse every day for the next 30 days

Feeling like you don’t measure up or that God can’t use you? Read this verse every day for the next 30 days.

Immerse yourself in that verse for the next 30 days…every day. See what happens and let me know.

You matter to God and He wants to encourage you. Your life matters because of Jesus and His love for you and His leadership in you. Be strong and immovable.