Greater Things Happen Together
YOU can make a DIFFERENCE!!! WE can make a DIFFERENCE!!! Jesus said in John 14:12; “…whoever (Singular – You) believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and THEY (Plural – WE) will do even greater things than these…” One person, who believes in God and puts that into action can make a difference. When lots of people do this, greater things occur! I see examples of this happening time and time again. Recently I had the privilege of being part of an event at our church, The Big Give For Kids. This was amazing to watch as our church family and community came together to provide new shoes, new socks and gently used clothes for families. A lot of families have been impacted by COVID-19 and are struggling. Hundreds of people in the community donated their clothes and dozens of people sorted the clothes. Many people in our church family also donated money to the Sell Something Challenge to purchase new shoes and socks. As a result, 280 kids in the surrounding communities received bags and bags of clothes! Our community came together to help those in need. GREATER THINGS! More Great Things Another example of great things happening when a group comes together was what one of our Lifegroups did. We partner with Ms. Pearl, founder of Good News DayCare in the Roseland community of Chicago. This area was hit really hard with rioting and looting and businesses were destroyed. One of our Village Lifegroups saw that Ms. Pearl couldn’t buy supplies in her area so they decided to take action. This group got a list from Ms. Pearl, purchased the supplies needed for a whole month, and delivered everything to the DayCare center in Roseland. These people recognized a need and filled it. GREATER THINGS! If you are interested in helping with supplies (because the businesses aren’t coming back anytime soon), here’s a list of what is needed: Supply List for Ms. Pearl Email to learn more about how you can make a difference. So my challenge to you today is to take a few minutes to think about what you can do, who you can partner with to make a difference and do greater things!
Love Is The Greatest Gift
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. – 1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV The green room at church is the place where our church worship team hangs out before service. In the green room, we have this chalkboard that lays out the service plan. I haven’t been in there for months, but this past Thursday, I happened to walk in and see this message: It was our plan for March 15th. This was the first Sunday we stopped having in-person services. The moment hit me hard. We have been through a lot in the past 3 plus months. COVID, lockdown, slumping economy, and protests. Oh, and I almost forgot the “murder hornets”. But with all the challenges we have faced, we have never lost our faith. In fact, I would argue, that most of us have become closer to God than we have ever been. I know for myself, this slowdown has given me a moment to stop, breath, and pray. Is it difficult that we can’t go to a restaurant or a movie theater? Yes. Does it bother me that I am in “lockdown”? Of course, it does. But I am also appreciating the fact that I am not going through this alone. I have friends I can talk to. My Lifegroup has been so encouraging and supportive. There are so many great things happening. I see people, who have never known Jesus, starting to hear his word and our online numbers skyrocketing. We are even opening up a new campus in Seneca and building out our House Campuses. I know that Jesus is reaching out to more and more people every day because I can see it happening. What I am trying to express, is that throughout all of these worldly challenges of the past few weeks, I still have my faith, I still have hope and I still have love. I would encourage everyone who is reading this to spread the word of Jesus. Show your love for him. Bring people into a relationship with Jesus. If there was ever a time for Christians to be loving to our fellow man, this is the time. Love is the greatest gift.
Sabbath – Do We Need To Remember It?
The Commandment Do we still need to remember the Sabbath? The answer is yes! Honoring the Sabbath was a law given to the Israelites by God himself. The Bible tells us this, “remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.” Exodus 20:8-11 Even though this was declared as a commandment so many years ago, it is still vital to our physical and spiritual health today. Sabbath is not just the absence of labor, it is actively pursuing rest, restoration, and connection. Somehow, as a society, we have conditioned ourselves to believe that if we are not working hard, striving, obtaining, and achieving, then we are failing. We must read that verse in its entirety. It says for six days you will work, and on the seventh day you will rest. God recognizes that there is work to be done. There is value in an honest day’s work of providing for your family. He gives you six days to do it, however, you must then pause to rest and refuel. We would never expect a car to drive without gasoline, or a smartphone to operate with a dead battery. We will fill our tank and grab a charger. Yet, we somehow will not treat our own mind, body and soul as well as we treat a disposable electronic device. Restoration As we continue to work and live at breakneck speed, we have subconsciously recognized we are reaching burn out. Do we choose to rest at this point? No. We often choose to escape using caffeine, or nicotine, or alcohol. Or we mentally check out by scrolling, eating, or Netflix binging. We fool ourselves into thinking that it is resting and restoring, but the truth is, it is further depleting us. God knew what we needed from the beginning. He put this rhythm of renewal into place for our own good. He is the creator and author of our existence and He can be trusted to know what we need. I am reminded of a situation in my life where God used my circumstances to show me exactly what He wanted from me. In 2017 I had two major knee surgeries and was in a locked brace and had to use crutches for several months. For several weeks, I could not bear any weight on my right leg. I also could not drive or even carry a cup of coffee on my own. The timing of this was hard. It came after several years of hard things. Hard things in which I felt I had to carry the weight for myself and those around me. Funny that after a long season of being so “strong” in my own mind I would find myself being completely weak and helpless. I had to have friends and family drive me to physical therapy. My kids had to start riding the bus to school, and the hardest thing of all, I had to ask my husband for help with everything. Much to my surprise he was very willing, I had just never given him the space or opportunity to do so. Cry Out To Him One day in particular, I was feeling frustrated by my limitations. I’d even go as far to say I was depressed about the fact that I could no longer run. I’ve used running for many years as a way to deal with my stress and heavy emotions, convincing myself that this was a healthy coping mechanism. It beats grabbing a bottle of wine to deal with my stress, right? Wrong! It’s not good if you are constantly using it as a distraction from taking your need for a Savior to the only One who can help you. That day I cried out to God in anger over all of my loss. The loss of my career as I became a mom, the loss of my “healthy” child as he faced cancer, the loss of my brother in-law, and now the loss of my physical strength and ability??? It just wasn’t fair! I told God exactly that with loud words and big tears; and when I was done with my fit, he gently showed me this verse. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will cause you to rest.” Matthew 11:28 I’ve heard this verse many times before, but that particular day, this is what had changed. In the past I heard this verse to say “I will give you rest” but the version I read that day said “I will cause you to rest”. I froze! It occurred to me that I’d been striving and surviving for many years. I’ve always trusted God, and He carried me through all of it, however, I thought I still needed to do more. So I kept pushing, kept working, kept striving and avoided the rest I so desperately needed. True Sabbath I didn’t just need a nap or a vacation, but true Sabbath. I needed to rest in the arms of the Father who loved me. Restoration for my soul and connection with God, with myself and with my people. I did exactly that, and God had so much for me. It was three years full of blessings, and joy. There were still hard days, for sure, but God showed me who I was. He showed me who He was. He made my path straight and guided me toward my purpose. I had to stop and listen though. God will not speed along side of you and yell to you what you need to
Big Plans For A Little Town Called Seneca
History When I was 8 years old, my family moved to a tiny little town called Seneca in Illinois. My family moved a lot. I thought this would be the same as any other move. When we got to the town, I started school, unpacked, and made friends quickly. We ran around after school riding bikes, playing, and having cartwheel competitions down the sidewalk. I loved it, but it did not last long. In fact, it would be the shortest amount of time I spent in a town during my childhood years. Three weeks after we moved there, my Dad came home and told us we were moving to Louisiana. I was devastated. It is the only time I can ever remember being devastated about a move because I was so used to doing it. I laid on my bedroom floor and cried, holding my purple “boombox” and listening to REO Speedwagon sing “It’s time to bring this ship into the shore and throw away the oars forever.” Very dramatic, I know. I was only 8! God Is Always Working Behind The Scenes God uses us for His purposes before we ever become aware. “A Village Christian Church campus in Seneca God?” The morning after I woke up in our new home, in Seneca, 37 years later, this thought filled my mind. Since I have witnessed the miraculous with God before, I have learned, watching Him do the seemingly impossible, to trust Him. Things do not always make sense right away, but God’s plan is bigger than our plans and understanding. I said yes in that moment, however, there was a request. “God, will you tell Nate or Nick or both? This is a hard sell.” The town of Seneca is a small one. There are less than 2,500 people. I waited and trusted and prayed. I prayed at home and as I walked through the town. Praying for God’s plan to come to fruition and for the hearts of the people in and around Seneca to be forever changed in, through and for Him. I prayed for our team, for a meeting place, for open doors and closed doors to guide us where He wants to take us. This is what I still pray for each day. God Provides It has been almost a year since then. Along the way, God spoke to Nate and he has been a champion of this endeavor. We have had 4 informational meetings for the new Seneca Campus. We have about 60 adults and their children who are committed to launching this new church so far and the number continues to grow. There is so much anticipation and expectancy for what God has done, is doing and will do. Everyone is inviting their friends and family to come and join us in Seneca. We are going to start building teams and having team meetings and prayer meetings. We want you to join us! If you live in or near Seneca, if you have a missional heart, if you feel called to help out, if you are looking for community, I would love to talk with you!
One Day At A Time Together
I will remember Friday, March 13, 2020 for the rest of my life. The impact that day made will be felt for a long time to come. It has been a whole month. Schools are closed. Any businesses deemed non-essential are closed. We are supposed to work from home if possible and kids who would normally be in school are e-learning at home. Sunday morning worship and services are watched online from home. If you are not an “essential worker” you are only supposed to leave home to get essential items or if it is medically necessary. When you think about all the days that have already passed without our usual daily routine and personal contact with others, it can make you sad. Thinking about how many more days there are to come can make you feel hopeless. In This Time There Is Hope Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.” – Lamentations 3:22-24 Instead of looking ahead at all the days we have left sheltering in place, focus on today. God gave you today, so what can you do for Him today? Shifting Focus Is there someone you know who is having a difficult time right now? You can do an old-fashioned phone call! Or you can choose a more modern method of communication. There are many different video options available like Zoom, Google Duo, Skype and others. Sometimes hearing a familiar voice and having a good conversation can brighten someone’s day. Send thank you cards, or if you are able to, make a donation to local hospitals for all the staff on the front lines because they are risking their lives by treating those infected with COVID-19. If you have to go out for essentials, do your part and make sure to stay at least 6 feet away from others. Show kindness, respect and patience to those who are working in the service industry since this is a scary time for them not knowing if they will become infected while they are working. There are so many different things we can still do for others while social distancing, and you can probably think of even better ideas than I did. When you think about what you can do for others at this time, two things happen: You are honoring God, because Jesus said: “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” – John 15:12 2. You are not worrying about tomorrow: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” – Matthew 6:24 We will all get through this together one day at a time.
Time Well Spent
Half Empty Or Half Full COVID-19 has certainly changed our lives. We have been on a Shelter-in-Place order for 3 weeks. How are you doing with that? I have talked to people who are thoroughly enjoying the slower pace, time with their families, and others who are ready to tear their hair out. I’ve spoken with those that feel very connected in groups and some that feel lost, unsure and without an outlet for these thoughts and feelings. Whichever side of the spectrum you are on (or anywhere in between) I want you to know that it is okay! We are all different spirits who are beautifully and uniquely made. We are going to handle this incredible disruption different. Opportunities In View I am a unique personality blend. I am a hopeful realist and hold out hope for the best-case scenario and prepare for the worst. It’s my belief that we have an opportunity here to look at some things in our lives that need to be addressed. Our normal routines and time schedules have been disrupted. What a fantastic opportunity! Do you know how long it takes to break bad habits or to build new habits? Many studies say 21 days. That is about where we are in this Shelter-in-Place Order. It has been extended to the end of the month. That is 21 days too! What if we take the next 21 days and break any bad habits we have and institute new ones? According to, “One popular method to build habits is called the 21/90 rule. The rule is simple enough. Commit to a personal or professional goal for 21 straight days. After three weeks, the pursuit of that goal should have become a habit. Once you’ve established that habit, you continue to do it for another ninety days.” I love being productive and active in times of uncertainty. We are all in this together, so let’s grow and develop through these circumstances together. Believe me, I am taking this situation seriously. I’m praying in agreement with my friends and church for God to heal the land of COVID-19. I don’t want people to suffer with this illness or lives to be lost. I’m grieving with those who are losing hours, and jobs and with the mothers and fathers who are trying to work from home while trying to be teachers for their children and keep them lovingly entertained. My heart goes out to the lonely and isolated. I don’t want anyone to be alone. God’s Will Be Done I am also praying for God’s will to be done above my will. It is often in times of darkness, despair and confusion that people to cry out to the Creator of the Universe for answers. I want people who don’t have a relationship with Jesus to seek Him for the answers they are looking for. What if it is only being at the end of our ourselves that we will reach out to God? I also want those of us who know Jesus, but may take time with Him or each other for granted, to find a new found gratitude and renewed relationship with the Author of our Faith. This song has been my anthem during this, “Let it Rain” by Crowder and Mandisa. The lyrics are, “So let it rain, let it pour, Lord I need you more and more. Let it rain, rain down on me. Every day, whatever You want, not my will but yours, Lord. Let it rain, rain down on me.” I trust you God.
3 Ways To Relieve Anxiety
Are you feeling a little anxiety? That’s perfectly normal, especially in the times we’re living in. Today I want to encourage you that the Bible gives us clear direction to not be anxious about anything. Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:4-8 NIV) Those are great words of wisdom. Do not be anxious about anything. That’s tough to live out right now, but fortunately the scripture tells us how to find relief from the anxiety. 1. By Prayer Take your concerns to God, whatever they might be. Put them at his feet. He wants to have the conversation with you. He wants to hear what is on your heart and causing your anxiety so don’t hold back. Pray to him like you’re talking to a friend. 2. By Petition A prayer of petition is a request to God that asks him to fulfill a need. If you are struggling and just don’t have the words, call another believer and have them pray over you, just like you would have someone sign a petition to agree on an issue. Have a friend pray with you in agreement for God to help. 3. With Thanksgiving In your time of need, don’t forget to thank God in advance for his help and to simply thank God for being there with you. Then, we see the… Result The peace of God will guard (in original language a military term, imagine a tank and soldiers guarding the fort) your hearts (your emotions) and your minds (your logic). So just to recap, you pray, ask others to pray in agreement with you and thank God. Then God’s peace will guard you from being anxious. One of the ways I like to pray is to be quiet, like when I’m driving to work. But most often, my favorite time and way to pray is while I’m moving. I like to walk with my dog, Simba, in our neighborhood. As I walk I just pray out loud (or under my breath when neighbors are around so they don’t think I’m crazy ?) and have a conversation with God. I share all the things I’m excited about and also worried about. Lately, I’ve been taking two walks a day. I might even go on three or more walks if needed. I can do this while social distancing and also keep my mind focused on God and his ever-present help in times of trouble. Take the time to pray and see what happens.
FEAR – False Evidence Appearing Real
I was going through some of my old journals and found this acronym, FEAR, that I had gleaned from a bible study. It seems now is a great time to revisit this thought. I feel this accurately defines where much of our fear is coming from in a time such as this. Our society is entering new territory. Most of us have never lived through a pandemic of this magnitude. “Social Distancing” never existed until now. Schools, restaurants, sporting events and concerts are closed and canceled. Disney and Las Vegas are shut down for crying out loud. Paralyzed With Fear This is serious stuff, and it doesn’t just affect our country, this is a worldwide concern. So many uncertainties can paralyze us with fear. The main threat is our health and the health of those we love. Then, a concern that our healthcare system cannot handle the increased strain. And what about the health care providers that are on the front lines? They are courageously doing their jobs for the greater good, all while knowing their risk of exposure and illness is extremely high. The forced shut down across the globe is putting a major strain on the economy. Businesses are not operating. Therefore, they are not producing income to pay employees. Plus, there is a decrease in product manufacturing and distribution and many of these items are needed for survival; medications, food, water, and our beloved toilet paper. It doesn’t take much reflecting to get yourself and your neighbor into a full-blown panic. We are all aware that the media gobbles up opportunities like this, for reasons beyond me, to stir up fear and panic in people. I believe there is more “fake news” available at this very moment than real truth about COVID-19 and the effect it has and will continue to have on our world. Keep Calm So what do we do about it? Go to Facebook! There are enough news articles, funny memes, and ideas for decluttering your home to last you the rest of the year. Although I think this virus has provided some of the funniest memes known to man, however I don’t think this type of content is helping calm our anxious hearts! “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” -1 John 4:18 If you know Jesus, if you believe He paid a high price for your salvation, then you are made perfect in love. It’s really that simple. The word love gets overused in the English language and we forget the powerful impact it has. I mean, I “love” a hot cup of coffee and an early morning walk on a beach, but I don’t think that’s what we are talking about here. Actually, God is love, and Paul tells us exactly what that means in 1Corinthians 13:4-8: Love is patient and kind. It does not envy or boast. It is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way for it is not self-seeking. Love is not touchy or resentful. It keeps no records of wrongs. It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness but rejoices when truth prevails. Love assumes the best in people, love endures, love never fails. When I read this verse I’m both encouraged and convicted. Some of these things I’m doing well. I’m loving others well, just as Jesus has called me to. Yet, other areas need some serious work. Called To Love How about you? As we live in a day to day rhythm right now are you loving others well? Are you being kind? Are you being patient with strained and overworked grocery store employees? What about your energetic, newly homeschooled children? How about your husbands who are secretly fearful about how they will protect and provide for their families? Or your wife who now has a major increase in her workload. She’s feeding children more often on limited supplies, keeping people entertained and healthy, possibly trying to work from home, all while trying not to lose her mind. Are you being arrogant or rude? Do you say “this is not a big deal” because you are a healthy middle-aged person? Have you thought about the mother or child with cancer, the elderly man with COPD, or the teenage girl with cystic fibrosis? Your lack of concern could be life threatening for them. You see, love does not insist on its own way. It is not self-seeking. Let me be totally honest right now. This is no time to be self-seeking. We need to love one another and look out for one another. As followers of Jesus, we have been given an enormous platform and an opportunity to show the world Jesus through our words, attitudes, and actions. We can show the world who Jesus is through our love!
Invite God Into Your Decisions
Have you ever had to make decisions? There is this fascinating conversation that Moses had with God in Exodus 33… “Moses spoke with God as a man speaks with a friend.” – Exodus 33:11 Can you imagine speaking with God like that? How cool. In the conversation Moses essentially says to God, you’ve told me you will lead us, but you haven’t told us where to go or to whom we are going. God replies…I will go with you and I will give you victory. Sounds pretty good. The next sentence is to me what is so fascinating. God said 2 things… I will go with you I will give you victory In my brain, I think I would have focused on the victory part. What is going to be our next victory? Who are we going to defeat and when is the battle? Moses instead focused only on one thing. That God would go with him. Check out these amazing 2 verses in Exodus 33…. Then Moses said to him, “If you yourself don’t go with us, then don’t send us away from this place. If you don’t go with us, no one will know that you are pleased with me and with your people. These people and I will be no different from any other people on earth.” – Exodus 33:15-16 Moses says if you don’t go with us, it’s not even worth packing our bags. Your presence in our lives is the absolute most important thing. Without your presence, there’s no point in going anywhere because there will be no victory. What’s your next step in your life? What’s the next stage with your kids? Your career? Your marriage? Have you invited God’s presence into those decisions, those moments? According to Moses (and I happen to agree with him ?), the most important thing is God’s presence leading. He wants you to invite Him into your decisions. He is ready to accept that invitation. Better to stay still than to lead out without God. Better to have God’s leading, then follow.
Saying Yes To Jesus
The Before My vision for myself 5 years ago is very far from where I actually am. Five years ago, I was a full time mom working part time at the same job I had for the previous 10 years. I had absolutely no foundation in the church at all, but I had a longing. I was in a “secure spot”. When I say secure, I mean I was comfortable with my predictable routine. I am a true introvert by nature, but a piece was missing from the puzzle. Things started changing when I decided to take a drive and explore a bit since I was relatively new to the area. I drove down Bell Road and saw new construction of something big. My curiosity was peaked. “What are they building in the middle of a cornfield?” I wondered. It stayed in the back of my mind. I would drive past every so often. The Village Christian Church sign appeared and I was drawn to it. It took some time, but I finally got up the courage to stop by one day during the week (I said yes). I went inside the office and was greeted by Karol. She took me on a tour of the building, asked me questions, answered my questions and made me feel welcome. I brought my kids to church that Sunday (yes). After The First Yes Here are some highlights that have happened since (a bunch more yeses): I started attending The Village in February 2017. It was scary at first, not knowing anyone, but I started volunteering at the church office and met some awesome people. An opportunity to work part time in the office became available and my husband encouraged me to quit the job I was at for 14 years (again, really scary!) I joined a Lifegroup and then felt the pull to get baptized. I participated in the first Rooted session that was offered and God laid some things on my heart during that time. A Google search led me to Moms In Prayer International, a ministry that I am very passionate and excited about. More hours became available to work at the church office. The most impactful event happened when I began “A Discipleship Journey”. It’s a 48 week in depth study of learning to teach others to be disciples so they can teach others to become disciples. Things started to really come together. I want to be clear when I say I did not plan any of this. I still get stuck sometimes when I’m presented with a new experience outside of my “comfort zone”. Then I look at the journey I have been on for the last 3 years and I know there is no turning back. I’m not the same person I was 5 years ago. God has been leading, opening doors, and doing some major renovations in my life! Game Changer It has become very clear after I completed the “Discipleship Journey”: Saying yes to Jesus is LIFE CHANGING! This is what we are here for. It is the way we live, what we say, and how we approach and see others. If you are truly looking for a purpose in your life, this is it. Every person who accepts Jesus into their hearts and makes a commitment to having a relationship with Him is qualified for this job. Our life changing stories will help others to find and follow Jesus so He can change their lives and have a committed relationship with Him too. Can you imagine the amount of lives that would be changed if we all committed to disciple someone and be intentional? What purpose could be more important? I never thought of myself as a teacher or mentor or that I was qualified to lead anyone else. And I’m not on my own, but because of what God has done in my life I’m free to say with confidence, “Yes! He can do this for you, let me show you!” Matthew 9:37-38 says: He said to the disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers in his fields.” I challenge you to say yes! Come and be an answer to this prayer!
Why Hearing From God Can Be Hard
I was recently asked the question “What does God want from me?” I responded with, “Have you asked Him?” To say it as clearly as possible, God desires to speak to us. He wants us to hear Him clearly. He doesn’t want to confuse us. Why Hearing From God Can Be Hard Why do we have such a hard time hearing from God? Could it be that we aren’t listening? Have you ever called someone or had someone call you on the phone and rattle on and on (seemingly without taking a breath) and then need to get off the phone abruptly? How does that feel? It probably depends on which side of the phone call you were on. Important to note, it is not a conversation unless there is more than one party involved in it. If one person does all the talking, it is more like a lecture. So why do we lecture God? We call Him and talk on and on and then we get off the phone because: we have met the criteria in making the call or because we must hurry to the next activity or responsibility etc. There are any number of reasons why we hang up, but on the other side of the phone, God is like “hello”.… “hello?”… I want to tell you something, answer your question, and point you in this direction. What would it look like if we stopped and listened? Can we learn to be quiet and wait for Him to speak? John 10:3-4 (NIV) says, “The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.” How To Do It “They listen to His voice.” Step 1: The first step to hearing from God is asking, “Do we know His voice?” We all long to hear him. Do we recognize it when we hear it or wonder whose voice we are hearing? “The sheep follow him because they know his voice.” Step 2: Once we have heard him, are we willing to respond or are we too busy? Is what we heard too hard? There are so many beautiful and creative ways God communicates with us. We may have visions and/or dreams, supernatural circumstances, Angels, believe it or not even hearing an audible voice is possible! Although there are many supernatural means, I have found that God seems to speak most often through His beautiful Creation, the completely true and trustworthy Bible, guidance from His Holy Spirit, Worship, Prayer and Fasting, and, through other believers. Hearing from God through other believers is an awesome reason to get more involved at the Village! We ask for advice often and we are so willing to listen to people’s opinions regarding our choices and circumstances but what criteria do we use for determining who gets to speak truth into our decisions? Having people as a sounding board can be a great benefit or detrimental to our growth. Here are my criteria for allowing a person to speak into my life; They must love the Lord, love me and my family and live a life that visibly bears fruit of the Spirit. When someone displays love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23), God can definitely speak to us through them!
Action Required, Fuel Level Low
I posted a funny meme to my social media with the intent to tease my husband. It said something clever about “….my wife when I borrow her car and she knows it is out of fuel.” This is a recurring discussion at our house because I am notorious for having low fuel in my car. I play this mental game with myself because I know exactly how far I can go on the least amount of fuel. I knew the meme would make my husband laugh, but I did not expect the number of comments I would get on this silly post. The division was crystal clear. The majority of wives were with me and played this skillful game of “how far can I go after the low fuel light comes on”. The voice of husbands was much different as they agreed that this phenomenon was ridiculous. They banded together to have a loud voice of reason on this controversial topic. Some husbands threw out facts about the damage to our car engines from such neglect. The wives, however, were unaffected by this logic. They countered with reasons why stopping to fuel up was not conducive to the insane schedule of a mom. Others retaliated with brilliant comebacks like “fake news” and “still don’t care”. This thread carried on for days. I have never laughed so hard while connecting with my social media friends. The wives began to tag me in photos of their low fuel lights. I got funny messages about how their day was focused on getting errands done with the low fuel light on. This was definitely the comic relief we all needed during a busy week, in light of heavy world news, but to me, it became more than just a funny Facebook thread. Pushed Too Far On Low Fuel One morning I posted a picture of my low fuel light that said, “action required.” It was telling me I had pushed too far and needed to address the issue of an empty tank. I was humored by the next option it gave me, “dismiss.” It was warning me that I should take action, but ultimately I could ignore my need and keep pushing through. It became clear to me that this is how I often live my life, running on fumes. When the wives were asked “why” they do not just fill up their tanks, they immediately responded with a list of, in my opinion, solid reasons for avoiding the gas station. Many were moms and traveled with a carload of tired, hungry, crying, fighting kids. Most days, survival is at the top of our list, trumping other important things like fuel. Other women stated that they were usually running late and did not have time to stop or did not want to get out of the car. No Excuses As funny as this was when we were pleading our case to our husbands, I realized that we use these excuses in life when it comes to being spiritually full. We run from meeting to meeting, ball game to ball game, and we are running on empty. We are in survival mode; trying to get by and survive the day. We neglect the things that are so important to us like rest, fuel (good food), and time with Jesus. We put everyone else’s needs above our own until we are like a wrung-out rag. This definitely applies to the men too, so I don’t mean to be biased in focusing on women, however, I am one, so I have the most experience with it. Women, wives, mothers; we tend to find ourselves in different areas of life where we are serving others. It’s in our God-given nature, but we are not supernaturally refueled. Even though some of us may appear to be superheroes at times, we are not. We need to be fueled with rest, good food, relationships, and most importantly we need Jesus!! Every single day we need Jesus. Even if it is only a few minutes in the early morning before the herd is awake, or the couple of miles on your morning commute. Make time to refuel. Different Methods To Fuel Up I have found there are a million ways to do this. Depending on what my day is like, I use a different method. Some days I’m in my car blasting a worship song, and others I read God’s Word. If I need wisdom and content, I will listen to podcasts, or sermons on the radio if I’m in the car. Sometimes I just sit in a quiet room and pray. I need to isolate myself so that I can turn down the loud demands of the world around me and hear the still small voice of the Father who created me. If you have ever flown anywhere you know that at the beginning of the flight is the safety talk. In the case of emergency, the oxygen masks will come down. You are advised to put your mask on first before helping anyone, including your children. There is a good reason for this. If you are not oxygenated you will not be alive for long, and you won’t be any good to anyone. Let that sink in! So, as much as I hate to betray my loyal gang of gas station rebel wives, I have to admit, the husbands were right; just please don’t tell them I said that. Taking action and being well-fueled equips you for the unexpected things life throws your way. A Better Option Have you ever been stuck in an unexpected traffic jam on the highway with low fuel? It’s nerve-racking. You pray that you don’t run out of gas sitting on the interstate. A better option is to take action and fill up your tank so that you are safe and prepared for the unexpected. “I pray that God, the source of hope, will FILL you completely with joy and peace because you trust
Fasting Is A Way To Grow
Fasting may be a new concept to many, but it is a powerful tool that God gave us to grow in relationship with Him. When we put off a physical need, and we focus our energy on God, we learn to trust Him. It is when we acknowledge that He is the one true source of life that He moves us deeper into a place of dependence. Of course, God designed us to eat food, and he provides the food we need to live. Therefore, fasting is a great way to re-set and re-focus. It’s a way for God to remind us that He will take care of us and sustain us when we rely on Him. I fasted in January with the Elder team and am doing so again right now! When I fast I experience grace to draw closer to God and spend more time in prayer. Of course, it’s a struggle, but that’s the beauty of it. We need God’s grace to sustain us, otherwise we are weak on our own apart from Him. Jesus fasted for 40 days in the desert to begin His ministry. After 40 days with no food, Jesus was undoubtedly hungry. He experienced the same physical needs as we do. When Jesus was weak, Satan tempted Him to turn the rocks into bread to eat. When we are weak, God can show His strength in us. Read Jesus’ response to Satan: “Man shall not live on bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” – Matthew 4:4 How fitting that Jesus’ answer was directly from the word of God in Deuteronomy 8:3. In this verse, the Israelites were wandering the desert with no food to eat. God provided manna from heaven each day, but only enough for that day. The Israelites had no choice but to trust God for their daily provision and sustenance. When Jesus responded to Satan with this verse, he declared that God is the ultimate source of life. Even if he ate the food that tempted him at that moment, it would not sustain him in the long run. God is our sustainer. The story of Daniel is another great example of God-honoring fasting. He was serving a wicked king, who had taken him captive. “Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself with the king’s food, or with the wine that he drank.” – Daniel 1:8 Daniel put his dependence on God above his physical need and desire for delicious and filling food. He chose to fast from all food and drink except for water and vegetables. In the next few verses it says, “God gave Daniel favor”, and “Daniel became stronger and healthier than the other men who took all of the king’s food and wine.” Daniel put God before his natural desires, and God blessed him for it. I believe God wants to bless each one of us in the same way. When we choose to humble ourselves before God, rely on Him, and deny certain desires of the flesh, God responds with a breakthrough, answered prayers, and favor! I hope you are encouraged to trust God in this way, and ask Him for help in giving up something ordinary for a time, in order to gain something extraordinary for a lifetime- a closer walk with God!
Think About This On Valentine’s Day
We are coming up on Valentine’s Day. My husband, Bob, and I are not a big Valentine’s Day couple, but I “love” the focus on love. Anytime is a perfect time to show love and appreciation for your significant other. Bob and I have been married for 20 years. He immediately drew my attention that first day, not because of his looks, but because he was courageous. Bob stood up for me even though he didn’t know me. He didn’t think twice when he saw injustice and responded in a calm and confident manner, without thinking of himself. We didn’t meet for a couple of months after this initial encounter, but I wanted to know who he was. Aren’t we always drawn to people of high character? We want to be associated with individuals we hold in high regard. I was quite enamored with Bob in our “honeymoon” years. I was in love and focused on every sweet and precious thing about him. It was easy to follow scripture during this time frame. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Ephesians 4:2 Who Had Faults? My focus had been on all the good qualities and strengths. I wish I could say that remained the case. Like many of us, the “honeymoon stage” wore off. My focus, ever increasingly, turned to other things; work, school, children and worst of all, myself. I went through a period when I lost sight of what had immediately drew me in about Bob and of God’s grace in bringing him into my life. I began to take notice of things that irritated me and areas I thought he was not measuring up to my expectations. It happened quietly and slowly but increased rapidly unchecked. Just to be clear, I didn’t wake up one day with a plan to tear down my husband and I knew that our marriage was struggling. I was sure that was “his fault” too. Now, I know it was me who had changed the tone of our interactions. I was not being loving, patient or humble. I am so thankful for the love, grace, mercy I was shown during and after this timeframe. Thankfully, I realized it is pointless to move forward and backward at the same time. You just get tired and you don’t get anywhere. I am thankful for this scripture that helped me to accept the hand up and out of the mess I was in, “Search me, O God and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” Psalm 139:23-24 I had always been known as being brave and courageous. I would define courage as bravery in action. It would take a new level of bravery to admit my flaws and faults. How had I allowed it to get this far? I had to be accountable for my shortcomings if I was going to turn away from them. I would have to have a new level of courage to humble myself and do what was necessary to allow God to restore my marriage. Fortunately, Bob had remained steadfast in the character that had drawn me to him in the first place. He was so quick to extend forgiveness, grace and mercy. In the 15 years that have followed, he has never brought up what was forgiven. He had the strength to leave the past where it belonged. 20 years into marriage and I am so thankful that God knows me completely, loves me so well, met me where I was, and provided me with the opportunity to grow. He loves all of us the same way. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. If you have a beautiful, loving relationship, thank God for it, remain focused on God first, your spouse second and yourself last. If you are struggling, know that God can restore anything that is broken and he wants to help. “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” Genesis 18:14 Read about 5 Reasons To Invest In Your Marriage
Keep Shining In The Darkness
Today I want to encourage you to keep shining. My best friend from college is a coach in Bloomington. He is a follower of Christ and where he has influence with others, he says these words often “Keep Shining”. It’s a reference to Jesus words in Matthew 5:14: “You are the Light of the World – like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.” In a world that is becoming more and more dark, we have the opportunity to be a Light in that darkness! There are so many opportunities. Take a few moments to think about these questions. I encourage you to find some paper, or maybe a journal and write down the question and then your answer. Questions For You How can you be a Light for Jesus in your home? How can you be a Light for Jesus in your neighborhood? How can you be a Light for Jesus in your school? How can you be a Light for Jesus in your workplace? How can you be a Light for Jesus in your social media account? Find Those Opportunities To Keep Shining We have opportunities every single day. You have opportunities every single day. I encourage you to take that piece of paper of journal that you wrote the questions and answers in and look at it every day. It will be a great reminder to you of how you can be a Light and encourage you to keep shining. My friend closes every email and nearly every text message with me by saying…. “Keep Shining” It’s an encouragement in the moment, but also an encouragement for the future. KEEP Shining! Don’t just shine once or twice. Keep shining in all places and at all times.
Rightnow Media Equips You
When I was a little girl, I loved the library. It was one of my favorite places to go. I loved the wealth of information available at my fingertips, the smell of the books, the anticipation of learning something new or discovering a new author. At one point, we lived in a tiny town that didn’t have a library of its own. That was the worst possible scenario to me! One day, to my surprise, a library truck pulled into town and I quickly ascertained that they came once a week. Now I wouldn’t have to be without books, and the access to learning, growing… I still feel that way because I love to learn and discover. That is one of the reasons I am so ecstatic about Rightnow Media. What a wealth of information. It is like the “Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory” of Christian resources. Just about any topic at your fingertips with so many gifted speakers, teachers and authors. Immediate access to incredible conferences. So much love and pursuit of Jesus all in one place. We study, we learn, we receive encouragement and hope as Romans 15:4 tells us, “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the scriptures and the encouragement they provide, we might have hope.” Rightnow Media Is For Everyone There are over 20,000 learning options. It is easy to access, simple to navigate, and a readily available option to engage with friends or family. Our Lifegroups can choose solid curriculum that meets the current needs and interests of the people that attend. All the groups can be studying something different but equally impactful. That is awesome! Age isn’t a factor. Our children, tweens, teens and adults can all find something to engage with. It is for those that are new to faith or born and raised with it. No one is left out. You can access it from any smart device, your phone, notebook, laptop, tv. Parents, how many times do we hand our children our phone to watch something? We put parental controls in place and we hope for the best! There is no need to worry when you use Right Now Media for children’s entertainment. They will be engaged with Christ-centered content geared for them. I have been aware of and have wanted to get Rightnow Media for quite a while. It seemed like a dream to be able to have this resource for our church, like a “someday” possibility. Now, that possibility has become a reality. The “library truck” has rolled into town and isn’t just available weekly but 24 hours a day for each and every one of us. I am ecstatic to offer Rightnow Media to our church community. It is absolutely awesome. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 tells us, All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. I hope that everyone will take advantage of this opportunity and use it to get even more equipped to do the great things God has planned for us!
You Are The Church
Do you remember the last time you went somewhere new? You didn’t know where the location was (you trusted your phone app ?) and arrived and everything was new. It may have been exciting, uncomfortable, or scary. Last Fall my wife, Rachelle, and I made a trip to Washington, D.C. We had an appointment to meet our tour guide at the representative office in the Rayburn Office Building. If you’ve never been there, it’s a maze. We got lost twice and it could have been uncomfortable and scary, but both times members of Congress helped us get to where we needed to go. We were so thankful for a friendly face and the help from people who didn’t need to take time out to help us. Visiting a new church can bring up those same feelings of being uncomfortable and scared. Last year over 600 people visited the church. Each one may have felt nervous and unsure because it was something new. Your response (a friendly welcome, an offer for help, a thanks for being here) can make or break their next step of faith in trying to get closer to God. I love it when people engage in ministry because Church isn’t a building or a place. It is a group of people experiencing life change, life growth, and life purpose. You are the Church. In 2020 we are praying for over 1,000 first time visitors at The Village. That is 1,000 lives being changed by God. We are praying that they feel welcomed, comfortable and excited about their next step. You can help make that happen. You are the Church. Recently a family visited for the first time. One of our regulars introduced themselves and flagged me down to say hello. The visiting family had kids, so immediately the welcoming family told them about Pulse Student Ministries that was kicking off that night. The kids came and loved it! Then, the next day two of our Pulse students met one of the new students at high school because it was their first day having just moved to the community. The students showed the new student around so he could feel right at home. Isn’t that wonderful?! My prayer is that I and WE can be as welcoming as our students and do our very best to point people to Jesus, living out this verse… Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. (Hebrews 13:1-2 NIV)
The Haves And The Have-Nots
We have all heard the phrase, “The Haves and the Have-Nots.” While many associate this time of year with gifts, time with family, and time away from work, it is also an unfortunate opportunity to polarize the “Haves” and the “Have-Nots.” Society and the media we consume, allows us to place ourselves into one of these categories. It affects how we value and see ourselves. Every commercial with a big bow on a brand new car can place us in a category. A category of a consumer who can go out today and buy that car in cash, finance it, or struggle to buy gas. There are families happy and thankful to gather on the holidays; meanwhile, there are families battling hardships, feuding, divorce, and loss. Many are able to take time away from their jobs, while some are just grinding away to find employment. These examples aren’t just generalizations. Our community represents all of these situations and everything in between and beyond. There is danger in believing the lies of this world – that you can be categorically placed based on your belongings or status. The dangers are on both sides. When we have the life the world tells us to have, we allow ourselves to build an ego and think that what we have is by our own doing. We set our value on what we have and pursue it beyond all else. How Can The Bible Help How can the book of Philippians help us navigate the abundance of advertisements and financial demands of the commercial Christmas season? Paul tells the church in Philippi about people with pursuits outside of Christ by writing, “Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things” Philippians 3:19 (NIV) We are also then setting our worth on things that can be taken away from us. We can lose our money, family, and jobs by matters out of our control or by our own human and sinful behavior. At that point, we are left defeated, lost, and devalued. The Danger The danger of the other side is clear and real to many of us. We think that because we don’t have the life we see in the media or in our community that we are without blessings and value. There are endless reasons to note why these are dangerous lies to believe. Paul offers encouragement for us who feel like a “Have-Not,” but long to be a “Have.” He writes, “But whatever were gains to me I now consider a loss for the sake of Christ. What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.” Philippians 3:7-8 (NIV) No matter what unattainable earthly thing we chase after, knowing Christ is far greater. A true relationship with Him requires submission of these desires. Paul reminds us that our societal system is broken and should not be used to determine our value, “I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” Philippians 4:12 (NIV) What Is The Secret? The secret is that Paul was in tune with the system of the “Haves and Have-Nots”. There is no need to condemn the “Haves” for having or bring to light those of us who are lacking. The point is to share Paul’s secret. In Christ, we all “HAVE”. An opportunity: “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Phil 1:21; “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead” Phil 3:13. God within us: “for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.” Phil 2:13. Value: “so that you may become blameless and pure, ‘children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.’ Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.” Phil 2:15 A home: “But our citizenship is in heaven.” Phil 3:20 Peace. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Phil 4:6-7 Strength: “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Phil 4:13 What we HAVE cannot be taken away. Learn more about Philippians…
Pray With Purpose
I don’t know about you, but when I pray, I pray with an expectation that something will happen. That can vary depending on the situation, but usually I’m hoping for something; an answer, wisdom, healing, opportunity, grace, mercy, favor, forgiveness……Lately, the thing I’m wanting most from prayer is the peace, love, and serenity that comes from simply being in the presence of God. If we pray with the expectation that God, will in some way, bless us; isn’t it fair to assume that we all desire to pray with purpose? Sometimes it can feel like we are doing it all wrong. Have you ever felt like your prayers were jumbled or confusing; or maybe you trail off and get distracted or sleepy when you are praying? If you have ever felt like your prayer life could be better, stick with me! I have a few things I’d like to share with you! Have you ever asked yourself, if God can and will do what He wants, why should I pray? The point of prayer is not to change God, it’s to change you. It’s about a relationship, and there is no shortcut for a relationship. It just takes time! God gave us free will, which means a relationship is up to us, and no one can do it for us. Prayer is not an activity, it’s a relationship! It is within our relationship with God that we will discover His will. When you are praying God’s will, that’s when you are really praying effective prayers. Do you ever feel like you are mumbling or are at a loss for words when you pray? There is no right or wrong way to pray, and even crying out the name “Jesus” is a prayer. Romans 8:26 says “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Holy Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.” If God knows what you need before you ask, then why pray? Matthew 6:10 says “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” God already has a great plan for your future, as promised in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” There are blessings predestined for you in the realm of heaven. Jennifer Kennedy Dean worded it well, “The intent of prayer is to release the power of God to accomplish the purpose of God.” God’s desire is to release the best possible solution in every situation, but he requires your participation. He will let you miss it sometimes. God puts blessings in our path all day, like little wrapped presents, but if we do not open them, we do not get the joy of experiencing what is inside. Do you ever feel like you are begging God, or trying to change His mind? The secret to purposeful prayers is not how to change God, but how to be changed by Him. We can sometimes get caught up praying for a certain desired outcome that we have decided would be best. The huge problem with that is if we do not get that outcome, we believe the lie that God did not answer our prayer. A better way to pray is to work backward and ask yourself “What is the desire of my heart?” Does it align with the will of God and His promises? Then scripture shows us, He would love nothing better than to answer our prayer. Matthew 7:7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you.” Psalm 37:4 “Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Prayer has an instant impact on the spiritual realm of heaven no matter how ineloquent or unformed it may be. No need to worry or beg after you pray! Praying Perfectly As my final thought, I want to take a look at the one person who prayed perfectly, Jesus. Jesus would often sneak away to a quiet place and pray. He knew to turn down the noise of the world around him in order to hear the still small voice of his Father who loved him. Jesus was in the world and felt all of the feelings you and I feel today. He dealt with sadness, betrayal, and the pain of being misunderstood, just like we do. He did not always get the “answer” to prayer that he was hoping for. It says in Matthew 26:36 “My Father, if possible, let this cup pass over me, nevertheless, not as I will but as you will.” Jesus could see the cross coming and He did not want to suffer, but He wanted what God wanted more than what He wanted. That’s exactly what that prayer is saying. He’s being honest with God and telling him he does not want to suffer, but He wants God’s will to override His own. If he lived in 2019 he might say “Father download your will into my heart so that it overrides mine.” God is looking for an intercessor. Someone who, through prayer, is willing to stand in that gap between heaven and earth. A person willing to be a conduit through which the power of heaven can be brought to earth. Prayer is a process. God initiates it by His love for you. He will bring you into submission over the thing you want. You start by desiring something and end only desiring Him. That’s when you know your prayers are powerful. That’s when you are praying like Jesus! Solutions To Prayer Problems Read more about prayer…
Be A Disciple – Take The Next Step
What is a Disciple? I would define a disciple as someone following Jesus, who helps others to find and follow Jesus. Finding Jesus can be a process and learning to follow Him is part of that, but teaching someone to find and follow Him may seem like another ballgame altogether! We don’t just automatically know what it looks like to live a life of someone who loves Jesus, we need to learn. Thankfully, there are many incredible options available for us at the Village; attending church and learning from the Pastor’s teaching, studying the Bible, the Rooted Experience, serving and joining a Lifegroup. Matthew 28:18-20 calls us to make disciples, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.” How Do You Do It? We typically understand the “what and why”, but the “how” can be tricky. What if we are asked questions, we don’t know the answer to? What if they are offended? We can easily be left feeling unsure, insecure or scared to share, however feeling equipped can make all the difference. Personal Discipleship After you have taken advantage of the opportunities listed above, the next step could be a personal discipleship. I love these words from one of our attenders who just finished her personal discipleship, “I had just ended Rooted; which significantly changed my perspective of God, Jesus, and my life. I wasn’t ready to disconnect from the deep learning Rooted offered, so I reached out for an option to continue learning. One of those options was a one-year personal discipleship with Sarah, one of the Pastors. As I started the discipleship, I was uncertain about what it would entail, but I knew it would be a commitment. Each week I learned so much more about what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Any question I had and real life experiences I was facing, Sarah utilized the study to improve my understanding of who I desired to be as a follower of Jesus and who my identity is in God. In addition, I felt challenged and God made me focus on things I did not want to face. Through this process God helped me learn to forgive myself and begin the process of my new life in Him. The book we used did such a great job at detailing every area of living a Christian life. It explained questions that I did not know I had and frequent questions people have about being a Christian. It empowered me to believe I am adequate to spread the Word of God and provided a way for me to express my daily life differently than the world. This study was a foundation to grow far bigger in God than I ever imagined. Now I know the Holy Spirit is giving me the strength, knowledge, and love to reach others. I cannot express how amazing an opportunity it has been to do this discipleship. I truly believe this is a blessing all people need to experience so they can honestly see the bones of what it looks like to be a follower of Jesus. Leave all the world’s misconceptions of what a follower of Jesus looks like and open one’s eyes to the humbling love of God.” Samantha Tyree What’s Next? Are you a devoted follower of Jesus? Who are you discipling? Are you willing to commit to walking with someone as a mentor and discipler? Or do you feel like you need a personal discipleship as a mentee or disciple? My prayer is that we will have people in each of these groups that will step forward. Imagine the steps we could take for the Kingdom of God with hundreds of followers feeling equipped to share and disciple others. The impact would be exponential!
Be Strong Even When It’s Hard
Have you ever noticed that anything that really matters in life is not easy? Parenting, marriage, relationships…they all take work. There are peaks and valleys and it’s not easy. The fact is, following Jesus can be hard. Our culture is not focused on Jesus even though that is something that really matters. I was recently at an event for Heart for Africa where a man said these words: When we follow Jesus, we don’t do so to make our lives easier. We follow Jesus and he leads us to make our lives matter! The Bible is a great place to find encouragement, especially during those hard times. I love the encouragement we receive from the writer in 1 Corinthians 15: So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. (1 Corinthians 15:58 New Living Translation) Now let’s break that verse down so you can apply it to your everyday life: Be STRONG (even when it’s hard) Be IMMOVABLE (don’t move off from what you know is God’s Will) ALWAYS work enthusiastically (your life, your work matters) It’s USEFUL (not useless) when we live our lives for God. Feeling a little down and need a pick me up? Read this verse every day for the next 30 days. Know that God is calling you to make an important step for Him? Read this verse every day for the next 30 days Feeling like you don’t measure up or that God can’t use you? Read this verse every day for the next 30 days. Immerse yourself in that verse for the next 30 days…every day. See what happens and let me know. You matter to God and He wants to encourage you. Your life matters because of Jesus and His love for you and His leadership in you. Be strong and immovable.
You Are Chosen By God
I like to read. There are a few reasons I read, for encouragement, to learn and to be reminded that God has chosen me. I read from the same devotional Bible every year. One verse, and one or two sentences of application. Here’s one of my favorites… You were chosen to tell people about the wonderful acts of God (1 Peter 2:9) God chose you…it’s right there in black and white. So…let’s spend a lifetime making our heavenly Father proud! What’s Next? My next book to read when traveling is titled “Game Plan, Winning Strategies For The Second Half Of Your Life”. Don’t worry, I’m not planning on having a mid life crisis ? What I am trying to do is this: Plan out how I can effectively serve in what I hope is the second 25 years of ministry in my life. I want to make God proud by telling others about Jesus. What’s your plan to make your heavenly Father proud? Take some time right now to think about that..really think about it. If you are married, it has to be tied to your spouse. If you have children, it has to be tied to your children. In all things, YOU will have opportunities that I won’t have. Actually YOU will have opportunities that no one else will have, because YOU have been chosen by God to represent him. Be on the lookout for those opportunities. Here’s what I want you to do right now. Pray this simple prayer today…God, give me courage to share about you WHEN (not if) you provide the opportunity! Post that prayer somewhere where you will see it every day. Say that prayer every day and see what happens. It’s fun to see the opportunities that God puts before us! He has chosen you! If you’re looking for a daily devotional to read, check out Youversion.
What’s The Big Deal?
Pulse Student Ministries held a kickoff event for the 2019-2020 school year and the turnout was incredible – 119 students ranging from 5th graders through seniors in high school. The plan was simple: play games (bags, 9 square, spikeball, etc) and cookout burgers and hot dogs. The night was a success. The students had fun, the leaders had fun, and there seemed to be no problems. As leaders, we left the night excited and energized about the atmosphere, but why did we feel this good? What’s the big deal? What’s the big deal that we got a large turnout of students for some free food and games? That doesn’t seem like that big of a deal, right? WRONG. The atmosphere and community of Sunday night sets the tone for the year. When our students get together and have fun, it sets the heart of the group. Ready to praise, ready to grow, ready to love, ready to serve, and ready to yield. Life Change, Life Growth, Life Purpose When we talk about Life Change, Life Growth, and Life Purpose, it is God who does the work when we allow him to live in and through us. There is no age limit on this. He doesn’t check your ID or ask you to submit your high school diploma. He is actively pursuing our students without hesitation and that is a big deal. In 1 Timothy 4: 12, Paul tells Timothy, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.” At this point, Timothy was not young as our students are young, but the message rings loud. Our students don’t need to be in worship or engaged in a lesson to live this charge out. As I watched and listened at the Kickoff; it was clear this example in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity was set. It wasn’t set in a worship room or with open Bibles (don’t worry, we’ll open them plenty this year), but rather, the example was set over burgers and yard games. That is a big deal. Paul later writes in 2 Timothy 2: 20-21, “In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.” Allow God To Work We want the students to allow God to work in them and surrender themselves to be “instruments for special purposes”. With that comes the need to cleanse, to step away from what’s common. All we did was provide food and games. The students chose to step away from their “common” to have a little fun and most importantly, cleanse and prepare their hearts to grow. We will be moving into a series over the next four weeks titled, “What’s the BIG deal?” where we will dive into what the big deal is for our students navigating some of this world’s biggest confusions and temptations. For now, a cookout and some games provided much more than a few laughs and a full stomach. And yes, it was a big deal.
Ain’t No People Like My People
I have a t-shirt that says “Ain’t no people like my people.” SO TRUE! My people, my friends, my sounding boards, at times my guardrail. They love and support me well. They know I have a hard time asking for help so instead, they offer it and sometimes, they just tell me they are helping me, even if I say no. They know me well. That wasn’t always the case. I didn’t always have these people in my life. I had to step out of my comfort zone and into the “uncomfortable” world of Lifegroups to get there. These relationships were built as we got to hang out, learn, laugh, open up our lives, serve alongside each other, study, and chase Jesus together. I can call my people when I need prayer, good advice, or a checkpoint for my thoughts or actions. This is so necessary to have in our Christian walk. James 5:16 says “therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” I have experienced and I have witnessed followers go “off-roading” in our journey with Jesus and I have wondered, where are their friends? How did it get this bad or go so far, so fast and unchecked? They must not have had “my people”. Because they call me out left and right if I get off track. They have permission to do so because they know and love the Lord and me and want what is best for me. Find a Lifegroup. Find your people. Invest in relationships that will invest in you. Check out Village Lifegroups…