Dreaming Big Dreams

When Did It Stop?

When did I stop dreaming big dreams? Have you ever asked yourself that question?

In my life, I never stop dreaming about what is next, but there are times where I minimize the dreams to make sure they are within reach. Then, there’s a verse from scripture that reminds me that God is bigger, greater, more powerful than anything. I’m reminded that I need to dream BIG dreams.

Recently, I was reading and came across Jesus’ words to his disciples from John 14.  He let them know that he was going to die, be raised again, and not to worry.

And, oh by the way, after I go back to heaven it’s your job to continue my work and you better dream BIG!

Whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these.     John 14:12 (NIV)


Remember who is talking here…JESUS.

The man who raised people from the dead, turned bread/fish into a meal for 5,000 people, turned water into wine, and walked on water.

He’s saying, we will do greater things….seems unlikely, right?

But It’s True

God wants to use you to do great things!

Jesus raised people from the dead.  We are used by him to change eternities from hell to heaven.

Jesus fed people who were hungry.  We feed thousands of people every year with Mobile Food Pantries and hundreds of thousands of people through our partnerships with Feed My Starving Children.

Jesus turned water into wine.  We get to be a part of turning a cornfield into a life-changing place.

Jesus walked on water.  We all get to take a next step that we never thought possible. Some of those next steps could be praying out loud, reading your Bible, leading a Lifegroup, serving those less fortunate, or inviting a friend to church.

God wants to do greater things in your life!

If you haven’t taken a step or stretched your faith in a while….now is the time!

If you have stopped or paused on dreaming big dreams for what God can do, repent and be reminded by scripture that he is wanting to work in and through you!

Start dreaming, start acting in faith, start moving towards God’s dream for you!

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