This past weekend, my wife, Rachelle, and I dropped off our oldest son Kaden at college. It’s an ending, but also a beginning.

Now…before you worry about me getting sappy and mushy please read on. This is an encouraging and fun blog!

When The Village Christian Church began Kaden was 4. It’s been a huge blessing to watch him grow up and see God work in his life.

As a pastor, my most important priority is my wife and 2 sons. For both Kaden and Carder to have grown up in a healthy church, with great people as mentors to challenge them, I couldn’t be happier.

Now comes the time for Kaden to start college and step into all kinds of new opportunities in his faith and life. It’s a beginning for him. He will attend a new church on the weekends. He’s connected in a new life group on campus.  Knowing Kaden, he’ll invite new friends to connect with him in his faith.

This is what we raise our kids for…to go out and change the world.

Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. (Psalm 127:4)

Notice that God describes our kids as arrows. We encourage them, we love them, but ultimately, we release them into the world to make an impact.

I’m so excited for what the future holds for Kaden and all the ways God will use him.

I’m so excited for what the future holds for all our graduating seniors and all the ways God will use them.

I’m so excited for YOU and what the future holds for you. God is ready to work in your life. This is your beginning.

Are you ready to let him lead?