YOU can make a DIFFERENCE!!! WE can make a DIFFERENCE!!! Jesus said in John 14:12;

“…whoever (Singular – You) believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and THEY (Plural – WE) will do even greater things than these…”

One person, who believes in God and puts that into action can make a difference. When lots of people do this, greater things occur! I see examples of this happening time and time again. Recently I had the privilege of being part of an event at our church, The Big Give For Kids. This was amazing to watch as our church family and community came together to provide new shoes, new socks and gently used clothes for families.

Greater things are happening at The Village.      Greater things happened at The Big Give For Kids with new shoes going to 280 kids.

A lot of families have been impacted by COVID-19 and are struggling. Hundreds of people in the community donated their clothes and dozens of people sorted the clothes. Many people in our church family also donated money to the Sell Something Challenge to purchase new shoes and socks. As a result, 280 kids in the surrounding communities received bags and bags of clothes! Our community came together to help those in need. GREATER THINGS!

More Great Things

Another example of great things happening when a group comes together was what one of our Lifegroups did. We partner with Ms. Pearl, founder of Good News DayCare in the Roseland community of Chicago. This area was hit really hard with rioting and looting and businesses were destroyed. One of our Village Lifegroups  saw that Ms. Pearl couldn’t buy supplies in her area so they decided to take action. This group got a list from Ms. Pearl, purchased the supplies needed for a whole month, and delivered everything to the DayCare center in Roseland. These people recognized a need and filled it. GREATER THINGS!

If you are interested in helping with supplies (because the businesses aren’t coming back anytime soon), here’s a list of what is needed:  Supply List for Ms. Pearl

Email to learn more about how you can make a difference.

So my challenge to you today is to take a few minutes to think about what you can do, who you can partner with to make a difference and do greater things!