If you have no faith in the future, you have no power in the present. Having faith is key to living a full life, the life God intended you to have.

Have you ever looked at a new year and been excited? Have you ever felt extremely nervous because you didn’t know how it was going to go? Maybe you experienced both excitement and nervousness at the same time. Thinking about the future offers so many opportunities.

I’m completely experiencing both emotions as we begin 2021. It couldn’t be a more exciting time at The Village with so much potential for the future. We are launching a new campus in Seneca, experiencing exponential growth with the Online Campus, and seeing incredible things happen at the Minooka Campus! It’s so much fun to see God working in all three areas and it’s more than we can keep up with!

My friend gave the perfect metaphor this week….it’s like changing a tire on your car while driving 25 miles per hour ?  Sometimes life goes that way, right? God is providing so many opportunities that you’re not sure what to do next. It requires faith.

Faith is having complete trust in someone or something, in this case, that complete trust is with God. He wants to have a personal relationship with you. He wants you to have 100% trust and confidence – to have faith in HIm.

My non-negotiable in rapid seasons of growth is my time with God at 7:30 am. It’s an appointment that cannot be missed. Without it, I’m a wreck. I use this time to focus on my faith, my complete trust in Him.

My devotion the other day was,

For whoever has been born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world: our faith. 1 John 5:4 (NASB)

The challenge after the verse was simple…

If you have no faith in the future, you have no power in the present. Faith is the victory! God has the future in His capable hands, not mine.

I don’t know what God has in store in 2021, but I’m thankful that He is in control.

I’m thankful that even when I’m overwhelmed and feel so nervous I almost get sick, He is in control.

I can place my trust in myself, other people, other things. Or I can place my trust in Him and the future He has in store.

I have faith in God and what he can and will do. Do you?