How do you choose to identify yourself? Many people find identity in the job they have. Some people identify themselves by the status they have in their family. One thing all believers have in common, your identity is found in Jesus Christ. But how do you find your identity in Christ?

I have spent a great deal of time reflecting on Nick’s message when he talked about finding your identity in Christ. Nick is one of the Teaching Pastors at The Village Christian Church. His message had a big impact on me spiritually and I hope my experience relates to someone who reads this post.

Many of us come home after a long day of work and wonder what we accomplished on that day. What we do for a living brings about a lot of purpose in our lives. Does the purpose we get from our jobs, successes, and relationships (yes, even this!) fade away sometimes?

Now can I be honest with you for a moment? Listening to Nick’s message that Sunday morning, I immediately thought about how often I fill my cup with everything but Jesus. The message showed me that I often find value and worth in what I do instead of who I am in Jesus.

Achieving success in our daily responsibilities is important, don’t get me wrong. But Jesus Christ must be where we find our true self-worth. The Holy Spirit showed me that I often find my worth in how “productive” I am at my job, relationships, and intellect.

How Do We Find Our Identity In Christ?

You ask a great and profound question, my friend! You can start by meeting with a wise person or two. They can help guide you on how to pursue a life where you find your identity in Christ.

The body of Christ is in place to help each one of us grow in our understanding of how to find our self-worth in Jesus Christ. Accountability can be a scary thing for some people.  But, The Village Christian Church is a place where people will come around you full of compassion and love to help you in your walk with Jesus Christ.

Another way you can find your identity in Christ is to find a Bible study partner. Find someone you can spend time reading the Bible with a few times a month. The best teacher is Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. He will show you how to live in Jesus Christ all the time.

Friends, the mission is still not complete: Jesus Christ must be proclaimed all over the world. Find your worth in Jesus Christ, do it today friend!

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him,
so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Romans15:13 (NIV)

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. -Hebrews 11:1 (ESV)

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