How Do You Share Your Faith In Jesus?

Do you feel a responsibility to share your faith in Jesus with those that are close to you? How can you encourage others to have faith in Jesus too?

Who’s First?

We had to leave the house for family pictures at 10:45 a.m. on Saturday. I have a beautiful wife and two gorgeous daughters. Between the three of them, they must have been in the bathroom for hours. Outfits. Hair. Make-up. All the stuff girls do to get ready. My girls are still young enough that they need their mom to do a lot of that for them. She had a busy morning.

Would you like to guess what time I got in the shower? If you guessed 10:40 a.m., you’re not right, but you’re not that far off either.

Christmas gifts work the same way in our house. My wife’s Christmas list includes me, the girls, our parents, a niece, extended family, work gifts, teacher gifts, and likely a bunch of other people I’m not even aware of. There may have been a few times when the both of us were thanked for giving a gift, and I didn’t even know what it was until it was unwrapped. She does a great job.

My list is short. It’s her. Even then, I’ve had some off years.

Is that how your family dynamic is when it comes to things like family pictures and Christmas gifts? One person only has to get themselves ready. Easy-peasy. No stress. The other is not just getting everyone else ready, but getting everything for everyone else ready.

Invite People To The Party

One is for themselves. One is for others. Which perspective do you hold when it comes to your faith and knowing Jesus?

There’s a difference between viewing your faith as something that is only your own and something you lovingly want others around you to have.

Your relationship with Jesus must be incredibly personal. It will not be judged based on your parents’ beliefs, what your Christian friends believe, or what kind of people you follow on social media. It’s between you and Jesus. But, God calls us to care about more than ourselves when it comes to developing that faith.

We have to keep our eyes open for others. We have to help others reach that same faith. The way someone likely helped you do. Jesus tells us to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:16-20). We are told to love and serve others (John 13:34-35 and Mark 10: 43-45). We are told to train up the next generation to know God (Psalm 78:4-6 and Titus 2:4-6). That doesn’t mean we neglect our own faith, but it means we have a bigger perspective on what living out that faith means in the first place. It’s not just for you. It’s for others around you, too.

There are plenty of passages throughout the Bible that compare the afterlife in heaven to a massive feast, celebrating with God and His people (Isaiah 25:6-9, Matthew 26:29, Luke 14:15 and Luke 22:29-30). May it be your goal and heart’s desire to not only get to that feast for yourself, but to take as many with you as possible.

Check out the whole series “One At A Time” to learn about how to love others the way Jesus did. You can do an in depth study with your Lifegroup, a friend, your spouse or by yourself with the One At A Time Discussion Guides.

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