What exactly is spiritual endurance? The ability to continue on, especially during difficult times. Even those who consider themselves resilient sometimes waiver. It can be hard to overcome seasons of discouragement without feeling some sort of shift or discomfort. In these times, we may feel spiritually drained or out of sync with God. But He knows our heart and instructs us. 

You may be reading this as a person who struggles to feel brave or encouraged. Or, you may feel like me, a fighter that’s more tired than usual. You may be feeling something in between or completely different. Either way, our struggles are often similar. We all experience loss, sorrow, disappointment, fear, worry, stress and the list goes on. 

The Struggle is Real 

During times like these, we can end up feeling drained- financially, mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, etc… Whether you’re used to leaning into God or not, that’s a scary feeling for anyone. 

What do you do when you have prayers that feel unanswered? How do you respond when you feel you’re not on the same page as God? Do you struggle with feeling connected and motivated to maintain your relationship with Him? 

This happens to nearly all believers at some point. Don’t believe me? Just ask them! 

And He Knows It

Fortunately, our God knows us well and designed us to be in community with others for support. He sent His Son to the cross so we could go before Him and have a relationship with Him. Jesus knows your pain because He struggled as a human. Last, but not least, God provided us with Scripture to better know Him. He has provided us with tools to build up our spiritual endurance.

Our God may be mysterious but we also know He is an intentional provider with perfect timing. 


So when you find your spiritual endurance being tested, know there is more ahead. God sees time as eternal, not as we do. So the best thing you can do is…pray and wait. 

I know, I know. This isn’t what you want to hear! Keep reading though because it’s what you NEED to hear. 

God has a plan for you! Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us,

“For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

So while we are not guaranteed ease and happiness at every turn, that only strengthens our understanding of His greatness. The same Father that created you is the same Father that will carry and deliver you. Just pray. And wait. 

If you need some other ideas to dust yourself off and continue your journey with God, I’ve included some below. 


  • Stay in the community: come to church, join a Lifegroup (if you haven’t), and/or volunteer
  • Switch up your spiritual routine: consider adding a prayer or Bible study, start a devotional, or spend more time in prayer. 
  • Seek wise and trusted spiritual counsel. 1 John 4:4-6
  • Get in the Word daily! Seek an accountability partner, if needed. The YouVersion Bible App is a great tool and you can download it onto your smart device and take it with you wherever you go.