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In A Relationship?

What would you consider to be some key ingredients in a relationship? How about just spending time together without giving or receiving anything and enjoying the company of your loved one?

Our dog got sick recently. We are still not exactly sure of the cause. We think he may have eaten something he wasn’t supposed to. He is a total trash panda; or someone (cough, cough) fed him something he should not have eaten. We cannot prove the cause, all we know, after a very large vet bill, is that he has high cholesterol, elevated liver enzymes and needs to be on a diet. He is less than thrilled; let me tell you.

The night we knew something was wrong, it came on suddenly. My daughter came home after school and made a snack. She dropped food on the floor, and Roy did not come running. That was a huge red flag. She called him, and he was very reluctant to respond to her—red flag number two. She offered him a slice of ham, and when he refused, she texted me, “Mom, something is wrong with Roy.”

When I got home, he had vomited. I took him outside, and he was clearly in distress. He was pacing in circles and would not interact with us at all. That was so strange for him. He is always excited to see us when we get home. His eyes seemed distant, and he was twitching his head in a strange way. I decided to take him to the after-hours animal hospital because whatever was wrong seemed serious.

The ride to the animal hospital was unsettling. He remained on the floorboard of the passenger side, twitching and acting as if I were not even in the car. Roy loves to go for a ride in the car, and he always sits on the armrest as my trusty co-pilot. When we arrived, I explained his symptoms to the triage technician. My main concern was his change in behavior. His lack of attention and affection for me was disturbing. I felt like a total weirdo saying this to her, but if you are a pet owner, you know what I mean.

I brought him home, and he struggled through the night, but his symptoms did fade with time. We took him for a follow-up appointment the next day. He looked fairly normal and healthy to our vet, but to us, he still wasn’t acting right. Finally, on day three, when I got home from work, he came and sat near me. He took his usual spot on the couch with me. He has a very particular way of nestling into my bent knees and laying his head on my leg. Then he looked at my face with that loving look a dog can give his owner. I felt so relieved. “Roy, you’re back!”

I did not realize how much it had been bothering me until he started acting like his old self again. He seemed relieved as well as he snuggled up next to me and seemed comforted by my presence, which was a huge relief. While he was sick, he did not want us to touch him. He was even hiding under my bed. In this particular moment, he did not want anything from me. There was no urgency to go outside, go for a walk, or for his bowl to be filled. He wasn’t sitting near me because I had a snack he was interested in. He was sitting with me because he just wanted ME!

I was driving home from church on Sunday with my daughter in the front seat. We were recapping the week we had with our beloved Roy, and I was telling her the above story. We talked about how sad we felt when he did not find comfort in our family members. I told her how good it felt when he finally sat near me. He didn’t want anything from me; he just wanted to be near me. He felt the comfort my presence offered him, and as I said those words out loud, it hit me. I said to Claire, “Don’t you think that’s exactly how God feels about us?”

Come near to God and God will come near to you. -James 4:8

She was quiet for a minute and gave me a knowing look. It makes so much sense. That’s what prayer is. That’s what time with God should look like. Of course, He is glad to bless us and meet our needs when they arise, but having a relationship is why He created us. I think that having a relationship with an invisible God can be a pretty difficult concept for many people. However, if you have ever felt the feeling I’m describing with a pet or even a child, you have the capacity to experience a relationship with God. He desires a relationship with us. As we well know, the only way to strengthen a relationship is to spend time together. I challenge you to just sit in the presence of God this week. Make time aside from the prayer requests and just rest your head on His knee.

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