What is rooted?

Rooted is a 10-week life-changing experience where you will connect with God, the church, and your purpose. Learn and practice 7 rhythms essential to a healthy relationship with Jesus and build strong roots in the truth of God’s Word, the Bible.

Get answers to your big questions in a safe, small group environment. We all have questions – it’s normal, it’s okay, and we are here to equip and help you as we work through those questions together.

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

This group experience is for new believers and those that have been around church all of their life. It’s for those that are doubting and those that consider themselves to have a strong faith. Each week will equip you to go deeper and explore more so you can love Jesus, love others, and help others find and follow Jesus.

Rooted Graduates Had This To Say…

I was drowning. No faith, no trust…just brokenness before Rooted. After I opened my heart to Jesus! I’m pursuing a real relationship with Him. He pulled me out of the water.

My ‘Ah ha’ moment was when I realized the enormity of God’s Grace. He loves me the way I love my own children, with every fiber of my being, regardless of what they’ve done wrong. I realized that He loves me that way. To know you’re worth that kind of love changes everything. When I started taking time to read the book, the Bible, and pray and most importantly to sit quietly and LISTEN, I began to hear and feel Him.

I grew up believing in God, I believed if I was a good person I would go to heaven. I went to church, but it was more habit and obligation. In my early adult years my faith shifted. I began to struggle, only calling out to God when something was not going my way or could not understand why he would let ‘bad things’ happen to me. I began to believe I was not good enough or even deserved God’s love.

About a year ago I began to feel unsettled in my faith, I wanted something more. I heard about Rooted and stepped out of my comfort zone to commit to the 10 week journey. I was craving the need to understand scripture, wanted to make sense of my faith, and wanted to really know and feel God. Not only did I begin to read scripture daily, but I felt God’s words weighing on my heart. I now find myself talking to God throughout the day, praying and giving praise and thanks for all his blessings in my life. I now ask for help in the things I do not understand and have since learned that there is no need or room for anger and blame. I have learned to forgive myself for those dark days in my faith that caused me to question my worthiness of God’s love. God has always had his plan for me, and I feel like he has waited until now to awaken my soul and is ready to guide me to my purpose in life.

Registration Information

The next Rooted group will tentatively meet in the fall of 2025. Contact Cassi for more information or to be put on the waiting list. Check back for information regarding the next session of Rooted.