You've Got Skills

Being a teammate is fun! Did you know that God has uniquely created you and given you gifts, and it’s important to use those gifts to serve others? We are here to help you experience your Life Purpose and find the place to make that happen! Don’t just sit on the sidelines – everyone gets a chance to play at The Village because our church would not be possible without the help of MANY teammates.

Each one of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

What You Can Do

Check out the options below then use the button below to get started! We promise it will be fun!

Do You Have To Serve Every Week?

The short answer is NO. Many of the serving opportunities can be scheduled monthly or whatever works for your schedule. When you join a team you are not locking in to serve every week…unless you want to!

Welcome team is one example of how Everybody serves at The Village Christian Church

Welcome Team

Can you smile and say hi? The welcome team is the first impression of our church. Sometimes going to a new church can be overwhelming!

Greeting new visitors, making them feel welcome and showing them where to go is such a huge part of what our Welcome Team does.

The online chat team at The Village Live

Online Chat Room Team

Chat teammates are a key part to our Online Campus. They connect with online church family, answer questions and guide them through the service. Be on the Facebook, YouTube or Chat Teams.

The team checks in 10 minutes before service starts and serve until 10 minutes after service end. 

Tech Team at The Village Christian Church, a place where everybody serves

Tech Team

This team operates our audio/visual system. You can help with video, production slides, lights, or sound at the Minooka, Seneca, Coal City, or Shorewood Campuses. You’ll need to invest a few hours getting to know the software and then you’ll be good to go!

The worship team, also know as the church band has many options to serve

Worship Team

Check out this team if you’re a musician or vocalist at the Minooka, Seneca, Coal City, or Shorewood Campuses. Joining the band requires an audition.

Coffee Center & Baking Team

At each campus, this important ministry creates a friendly atmosphere by providing a fresh cup of hot coffee or sweet lemonade before each service! We also provide little snacks for the kiddos.

Kid Village volunteers at The Village Christian Church

Kid Village Team

Our Kid Village team ensures infants – 3rd grade students are safe while parents are in church. There are different classrooms based on age at the Minooka, Coal City, Shorewood and Seneca Campuses. 

Kid Village Team members pass a background check and are dedicated to loving on the kiddos each week.

Pulse Students is a place to volunteer with students from grades 4 through high school.

Pulse Students Teams

Pulse Students is a place where we connect students in a fun community. There’s a group for grades 4-5 (Pulse 45), a group for grades 6-8 (Pulse Jr.) and Pulse Sr. is our high school students.

There are teams at each campus that help our students grow in their relationships with Jesus.

Sign Team

Many people find our church because of the community signs. If you’re on the Sign Team, you would put a sign out in your neighborhood on Friday night and pick it up on Sunday afternoon/evening. It’s easy and has a huge impact! 

Social Media / Photography Teams

Like to take pictures? We love to capture moments as they happen and share them to celebrate all that God is doing. Join the Photography Team if you like to have fun while snapping pics. You don’t need a professional camera.

Are you on Facebook or Instagram? We are! We love to share what we’re doing on social media and are looking for volunteers to help! If you’re creative, the social media team is for you!


Administrative Team

If administration is your thing and you would like to help in the Minooka church office, join the Admin Team. You may help with mailings and special projects when the office is open Monday-Thursday from 8 AM-4PM.

Building Maintenance / Landscaping Teams

The Building Maintenance Team helps keep our campuses in tip-top shape. If you’re handy and like fixing things, then this is the team for you! During the winter months we also need help shoveling snow and salting the sidewalks to keep everyone safe.

The Minooka Landscape Team keeps our grounds looking great. If you have a green thumb and want to share your join the Landscaping Team.

Prayer Team

We have a team that is praying throughout the week for all requests. Contact our Prayer Pastor Lilye Sease.

Serve In The Community

Check out the options here…

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.

Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.

  • Serving Outside the church

    Events and Updates

    2025 Dance The Night Away

    The Village Christian Church loves to celebrate our community! Dance The Night Away, a free prom for guests with special-needs will be hosted at the church, 8965 South Bell Road in Minooka on Friday, April 4 from 4:30-9 pm.

    150 guests and their designated volunteer buddies will enjoy a red-carpet walk, limo rides, DJ music/karaoke and lots of dancing! Food and refreshments will be provided for guests.



    2024 Make An Impact

    Thank you for your participation to Make an Impact this holiday season as we partnered with Reclaimed, to make a difference locally, regionally, and globally. 

    • Angel Trees: Over 150 local kids have been sponsored via Angel Trees. 

    • Ms. Pearl’s Christmas Store: Over $9,000 of supplies were purchased for the Good News Community Day Care & Coffee House. 

    • Heart for Africa Ornaments: Over $15,000 in ornaments sold goes to the care of orphans and vulnerable children in Eswatini Africa.

    2024 Meal Pack For Hungry Families Around The World

    We would like to thank everyone who served at the Meal Pack to send out 101,736 meals to hungry families in need outside of the United States. We are so grateful to be a part of what God is doing around the world!

    Reclaim3d Banquet and Golf Outing To Invest In Our Communities

    Our goal for 2024 was to raise $50,000 for Reclaim3d locally so we can invest in our communities each month. We will provide 19 Mobile Food Pantries, back to school clothes for local kids, and help struggling families with rent and utility assistance.

    God showed up big time and we are over $72,000 and counting. Thank you to everyone who participated and donated to the annual Reclaim3d event!

    Big Give For Kids

    The Village cares about families and looks for opportunities to ease the financial burden of going back to school.

    The Big Give For Kids allowed kids to receive free gently used clothes, new shoes and socks, school supplies and a bottle of laundry detergent for the family. 

    We are so grateful for the 159 families and 424 kids that were served at this event. 

    2025 Mobile Food Pantries

    Minooka Mobile Food Pantries @ Minooka Campus:

    Monday, March 31 @ 5 PM

    Monday, May 5 @ 5 PM

    Monday, June 9 @ 5 PM

    Seneca Mobile Food Pantry @ Seneca Elementary South, 410 South Main St, Seneca:

    Monday, April 7 @ 5 PM

    Monday, May 12 @ 5 PM

    Braidwood Mobile Food Pantry @ Reed Custer Middle School, 407 Comet Dr, Braidwood. (West Parking Lot)

    Monday, April 14 @ 5 PM

    Monday, June 30 @ 5 PM

    Adopt-A-Highway Clean Up Dates

    The Village Christian Church has partnered with the Village of Minooka to help keep our community clean. Volunteers meet at the Minooka Campus at 8 am. Safety equipment is provided by the Village of Minooka (gloves, safety vests). Safety guidelines will be reviewed before clean-up begins. Volunteers contact Shannon.

    2025 Clean Up Dates

    May 17, July 12, August 23 and October 25
    2026 Clean Up Dates
    May 16, July 11, August 22 and October 24

    Helping Hands

    Helping Hands is about pairing people up to make our community better. It matches people’s skills and resources with people that have a need. If you have a need or are ready to help.