Men Of God: It’s Time To Stand Guard

Men Of God Stand Firm Armor Of God The Village Christian Church

Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a book that told us about the things we need to be careful of as Men of God? There are many books in the Bible that tell us what battles we are going to face and the tools we have available to us that will help us win! As a pastor, I’ve seen firsthand the devastating effects of spiritual warfare on our families. It breaks my heart to witness couples on the brink of divorce, children rebelling against their parents, and men struggling silently with addictions and doubt. Time and again, I sit across from people, listening to stories of broken homes and shattered dreams. The Common Thread But there’s a pattern I’ve noticed that deeply concerns me: as men, we tend to face these battles alone. We’ve become experts at putting on a facade, pretending everything is under control even when our world is crumbling around us. We don’t ask for help, even when we’re clearly veering off course. This stubborn self-reliance, this reluctance to show vulnerability, is precisely what Satan uses against us. I believe that’s why the enemy targets men so fiercely. Women often have support networks, they band together in times of trouble. But us men? We retreat into our caves, thinking we can handle everything on our own. Satan uses this to his advantage. He slowly lures us to sleep, gradually pulling us out to sea, alone and unaware. And then, when we’re isolated and vulnerable, he raises a raging storm in our lives. These encounters and observations have made one thing crystal clear to me: many of us don’t realize the intensity of the spiritual battle we’re in, nor do we understand how our isolation makes us even more vulnerable. I know God has a better life for us. Jesus promised us an abundant life (John 10:10), yet so many families are experiencing heartbreak and disintegration. The disconnect between God’s promise and our reality often stems from our failure to recognize and actively engage in the spiritual warfare surrounding us, and our reluctance to fight these battles together. Today, I want to have an honest conversation with you about this. It’s not an easy topic, but it’s one that we, as men of God, need to address head-on. Our families, our communities, and our own spiritual lives depend on it. It’s time we break this cycle of isolation and recognize that true strength lies in our unity in Christ. Stand Together And Stand Firm We live in a world that’s increasingly hostile to our faith. Our beliefs are challenged daily, and the enemy is constantly looking for ways to undermine our relationship with God. As men, we have a God-given responsibility to stand firm and protect our families from these spiritual attacks. But Here’s The Hard Truth: Many Of Us Are Falling Short. We’re in a spiritual battle, brothers. The Apostle Paul reminds us in Ephesians 6:12, “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” Let this sink in for a moment. Our enemy is not our wife when she’s upset with us. It’s not our rebellious teenager pushing boundaries. It’s not our boss who seems unfair, or that neighbor who always causes trouble. No, our true enemy is Satan himself and the spiritual forces of evil. This is why earthly plans and tactics aren’t effective in this fight. We can’t overcome spiritual battles with mere willpower, self-help strategies, or worldly wisdom, we need spiritual armor for a spiritual battle. God’s power and protection can stand against an enemy we can’t see with our physical eyes. This Battle Is Real, And The Stakes Are High Our enemy isn’t after our possessions or even our physical well-being – he’s after our souls and the souls of our loved ones. He wants to destroy our marriages, corrupt our children, and render us ineffective for God’s kingdom. How often do you feel like you’re fighting spiritual battles alone? The enemy is sneaky, and his attacks are often subtle. Let’s be honest about the real struggles we face as men: Career ambitions that slowly pull you away from your family and your faith. Financial pressures that tempt you to compromise your integrity for a quick gain. Overwhelming struggle with pornography that’s eroding your relationships and self-respect. Anger issues that flare up, damaging your family bonds and leaving you feeling guilty and ashamed. Lure of substance abuse as an escape from the stresses of life. Doubts that creep in when your prayers seem to go unanswered, making you question if God really cares. These are the battlegrounds where the enemy seeks to destroy us, our families, and our testimony. But we don’t have to face these challenges alone or unarmed. Armor For The Battle So how do we fight this battle? Paul gives us the answer in Ephesians 6:10-18. We need to put on the full armor of God: The Belt of Truth: Commit to regular Bible study and align your life with God’s Word. Make Scripture reading a daily habit, not just a Sunday activity. Let God’s truth shape your thoughts, decisions, and actions. In a world full of deception, God’s truth is our anchor. The Breastplate of Righteousness: Choose integrity in all areas of your life. This isn’t about perfection, but about consistently aligning your actions with your identity in Christ. At work, choose honesty over shortcuts. In relationships, seek reconciliation over being right. Let your life reflect Christ’s character. Feet Fitted with the Readiness of the Gospel of Peace: Be prepared to share God’s message of hope. This isn’t just about words, but about living a life that demonstrates God’s peace. Be ready to offer comfort, show kindness, and be a steady presence for others in turbulent times. Your actions can open doors for sharing your faith. The Shield of Faith: Trust in