What Happens When You Let God Into Your Marriage?

Marriage ReEngage God Relationship

Marriage is so easy, said nobody ever! Hurting. Thriving. Painful. Great. Disconnected. Committed. So/so. However, you might describe your marriage; I think we can all agree that marriage is a journey! For my husband and me, it’s a ride we’ve considered to be wild… and worth it. Re/Engage is now one of the most significant parts of our marriage story and might be for yours too. A few years ago, we hit a rough patch. On the outside, few, if any, would have known. But God knew. And we knew. We were a little more than a year into attending church and started meeting with Pastor Charlie. He mentioned this “marriage ministry” called Re/Engage. For us, we had started to feel hopeless, to be honest, and figured it couldn’t hurt. Ummm. We were wrong. But in the BEST way! We quickly realized (our first time around, because we are two-time attendees) we were in a small pilot of the program. Initially, we felt intimidated. All of these other couples seemed to have it together, and we didn’t. Each week we met in a large group for a bit, but then spent the majority of our time in our small groups. This small group setting consisted of our leaders and three other couples. I wish I could say we instantly felt comfortable. In some ways we did. Everyone was nice and supportive, but we knew how much was hinging on this experience for us. We felt no one else would get it. By week 3, we started to warm up and share. This is what I mean when I say it was hard. It’s not easy to be honest and truly invest in the process. But each and every group member made us feel so loved. Everyone spoke with compassion, support, and, most of all, hope. We never felt judged and could hardly believe it. Halfway through, we were fortunate enough to feel like we had a “breakthrough.” It was a challenging week at home discussing the short homework, followed up by a vulnerable small group session. But after? Something had shifted. God was working! Was it smooth sailings after that, forever and ever happily ever after? Nope. But did it break down walls to open up healing, hope, and communication? Yes. Very much so. It’s been 2 years since we started our first Re/Engage class. God has been so faithful. We still disagree–and use our tools. Perfectly? Nope, but we try. We still have very different personalities… that we embrace and enjoy about one another. All the time? Sure… haha. Our experience is one we rave about and credit for helping us get to where we are today. No marriage is perfect. But we serve a GOOD God who is FOR marriages! So… why should you consider Re/Engage for your marriage? Maybe things feel hopeless or like you don’t even care anymore? There’s always hope. God is calling you. You can find support, tools, and more. You aren’t alone! Maybe things are so/so? God wants more for you! Re/Engage teaches you REAL tools you can USE that change things. It can be fun and good again! Maybe things are great? Awesome! Find community in deepening your connection with God and each other. Again, you are not alone! We promise. God has you, and we do too. Accept this invitation to Re/Engage and see how God will work in your marriage! Sign Up For Re/Engage or Learn More