Back To School Wisdom

Back To School Wisdom

Back To School Kids FamBlitz The Village Christian Church

The end of summer conjures many different emotions from different people, here is some back to school wisdom for you… Summer’s End As summer winds down, it’s a time to look back on all the memories—whether it’s enjoying countless popsicles, patching up scraped knees, or splashing around at the pool or beach with friends. There have been moments of joy, sibling squabbles, and countless hours of cheering on your kids in their favorite activities, including America’s beloved pastime, baseball. Many of us have also savored family vacations and cherished quality time together. For working families, you might be thinking, “No, summer can’t be over yet! We haven’t done everything we planned!” That feeling of wanting more time is completely natural. And for those who stay at home, perhaps you’re looking forward to the routine of school days and a bit more quiet time. Both feelings are valid, and it’s important to remember: you are a great parents, no matter which perspective you have. God chose you to be the parent to your kids, and He knows you are the perfect fit for them. New Beginnings As we transition from summer to the school year, let’s embrace this new season with joyful, God-filled hearts. Our children, especially the little ones, are incredibly observant and absorb everything they see us do. Starting the school year with genuine faith and a desire to deepen our relationship with Jesus can have a profound impact on our families. When we model a life of bold, faith-filled living, it sets an inspiring example for our kids. They notice how we handle stress, how we worship, and how we live out our faith. These moments leave a lasting impression. Matthew 5:13-16 reminds us: “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others so that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Consider doing a family Bible study, praying together, listening to worship music, and having Jesus-centered conversations. Shine your light before your children and show them the joy of a faith-filled life. A fun way to grow in faith together is by attending family-friendly, Jesus-centered events. One such event is FamBlitz, which we will be hosting soon. FamBlitz is a live, Nickelodeon-style event that uses games and excitement to teach the whole family about Biblical principles. Parents and children play games together, learning and having fun while hearing the Gospel. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect as a family through fun and laughter while growing in your faith. When your kids see you enjoying learning about Jesus, they’ll be inspired to do the same. Let your light shine brightly for them to see. Purchase Tickets for FamBlitz

In A Relationship?

relationship, God, The Village Christian Church

What would you consider to be some key ingredients in a relationship? How about just spending time together without giving or receiving anything and enjoying the company of your loved one? Our dog got sick recently. We are still not exactly sure of the cause. We think he may have eaten something he wasn’t supposed to. He is a total trash panda; or someone (cough, cough) fed him something he should not have eaten. We cannot prove the cause, all we know, after a very large vet bill, is that he has high cholesterol, elevated liver enzymes and needs to be on a diet. He is less than thrilled; let me tell you. The night we knew something was wrong, it came on suddenly. My daughter came home after school and made a snack. She dropped food on the floor, and Roy did not come running. That was a huge red flag. She called him, and he was very reluctant to respond to her—red flag number two. She offered him a slice of ham, and when he refused, she texted me, “Mom, something is wrong with Roy.” When I got home, he had vomited. I took him outside, and he was clearly in distress. He was pacing in circles and would not interact with us at all. That was so strange for him. He is always excited to see us when we get home. His eyes seemed distant, and he was twitching his head in a strange way. I decided to take him to the after-hours animal hospital because whatever was wrong seemed serious. The ride to the animal hospital was unsettling. He remained on the floorboard of the passenger side, twitching and acting as if I were not even in the car. Roy loves to go for a ride in the car, and he always sits on the armrest as my trusty co-pilot. When we arrived, I explained his symptoms to the triage technician. My main concern was his change in behavior. His lack of attention and affection for me was disturbing. I felt like a total weirdo saying this to her, but if you are a pet owner, you know what I mean. I brought him home, and he struggled through the night, but his symptoms did fade with time. We took him for a follow-up appointment the next day. He looked fairly normal and healthy to our vet, but to us, he still wasn’t acting right. Finally, on day three, when I got home from work, he came and sat near me. He took his usual spot on the couch with me. He has a very particular way of nestling into my bent knees and laying his head on my leg. Then he looked at my face with that loving look a dog can give his owner. I felt so relieved. “Roy, you’re back!” I did not realize how much it had been bothering me until he started acting like his old self again. He seemed relieved as well as he snuggled up next to me and seemed comforted by my presence, which was a huge relief. While he was sick, he did not want us to touch him. He was even hiding under my bed. In this particular moment, he did not want anything from me. There was no urgency to go outside, go for a walk, or for his bowl to be filled. He wasn’t sitting near me because I had a snack he was interested in. He was sitting with me because he just wanted ME! I was driving home from church on Sunday with my daughter in the front seat. We were recapping the week we had with our beloved Roy, and I was telling her the above story. We talked about how sad we felt when he did not find comfort in our family members. I told her how good it felt when he finally sat near me. He didn’t want anything from me; he just wanted to be near me. He felt the comfort my presence offered him, and as I said those words out loud, it hit me. I said to Claire, “Don’t you think that’s exactly how God feels about us?” Come near to God and God will come near to you. -James 4:8 She was quiet for a minute and gave me a knowing look. It makes so much sense. That’s what prayer is. That’s what time with God should look like. Of course, He is glad to bless us and meet our needs when they arise, but having a relationship is why He created us. I think that having a relationship with an invisible God can be a pretty difficult concept for many people. However, if you have ever felt the feeling I’m describing with a pet or even a child, you have the capacity to experience a relationship with God. He desires a relationship with us. As we well know, the only way to strengthen a relationship is to spend time together. I challenge you to just sit in the presence of God this week. Make time aside from the prayer requests and just rest your head on His knee. Download the YouVersion Bible App. Spend time getting to know your Father in Heaven.

One At A Time – The Impact Of Personal Connections

One At A Time - The Impact of Personal Connections

In the midst of the busyness of daily life, it’s easy to lose sight of the significance of individual connections. We want to equip you, so you are more aware and that doesn’t happen. There’s so much to learn from the timeless compassion of Jesus Christ. He prioritized personal connections one at a time and was never too busy to take time for the one person. His ability to support each person He encountered serves as a powerful example of the impact of genuine human interaction. “Love the lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this:  ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31 Valuable Lessons From The Life Of Jesus As you look at the Bible and the life of Jesus, here are key takeaways: Cultivating Understanding: Jesus’ willingness to empathize with one person at a time provided opportunity for Him to provide meaningful support and guidance. By taking the time to truly listen and understand the experiences of those around you, you can have genuine empathy and better understand each other. You can build stronger, more meaningful connections, regardless of religious beliefs. You may have people in your life that are difficult to love. Jesus gives you the ability to love beyond what you think you are capable of and expand the limits of what it means to love other people one at a time. The world thinks of compassion as an emotion; Jesus shows that it is a verb. His compassion motivates you to bring hurting people near and give the outcast a place to belong. Valuing Relationships: Despite His busy schedule, Jesus always made time for the one. He valued relationships and took the time to build those. By prioritizing personal connections over superficial interactions, you can value relationships. Being Present: Jesus approached every encounter with undivided attention, ensuring that each person felt seen and heard. By practicing mindfulness and being fully present in your interactions, you can acknowledge the importance of every individual. Pay attention to when someone’s life is unexpectedly interrupted, and be ready to be present and help out. Promoting Selflessness: Jesus’ selflessness and willingness to prioritize the well-being of others exemplify the power of compassionate action. Human nature is to be selfish and think of ourselves first, but when you embrace a selfless mindset and consider the needs of others, you can contribute to a more compassionate society. Changing the world begins with changing your heart. See The Impact By incorporating these principles into your daily life, you will see the impact of focusing on individual connections in a world that often emphasizes mass interactions. Who do you see every day that might feel overlooked or invisible? We challenge you to actively seek out opportunities to notice and spend time with the one. Try it one person at a time and see how God will work in and through you. Jesus had a limited time on earth, but always had time for the one. You can have eyes for the one and to see people the way Jesus did. Jesus had a way of meeting people at key points in their lives and setting them out on a new course.  Living with a “one at a time” mentality today means meeting people in these intersections to point them His direction. Explore the One At A Time Teaching Series To Learn More…

Who Do You Trust?

Trust God The Village Christian Church

Trust, by definition, is the firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. The Bible says that we are to: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your path.” – Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust can be very difficult for some people for a variety of reasons. Depending on our experiences and relationships, we can struggle with trust at times. If we have been hurt or let down by people, we may tend to take those experiences and feelings into our relationship with God. The problem with this is that, although we as humans are sinful by nature and will inevitably fall short and fail one another, God never will. He is perfect and without sin. He is wise and just. Furthermore, He is all-knowing. He always protects and perseveres. We often misunderstand these attributes when we see them through our own broken sinfulness. At times, we may not trust God because we feel that we know better or that God does not have our best interests at heart. We may even believe the lie that a “no” from God is intended to ruin our fun rather than protect us. I best understand God’s character and desire for me as I parent my own children. Who Knows Better? One fall day, several years ago, I had an experience with one of my children that really shaped our future parent-child relationship. It was one of those days that kept building, and then everything happened all at once. You know the days. I was arriving home from physical therapy and I was tired and in pain. My leg was in a locked brace, so I could not drive myself. My in-laws were helping me struggle my way up the front steps. I was met by an excited child who was asking me if he could go to a drive-in movie with a friend. As I stumbled through the doorway and made it over to the couch to elevate my throbbing leg, the last thing I wanted to do was make a decision and give permission. The problem was that the movie he wanted to see was scary, and my instinct was to give him a firm “No.” We did not allow him to watch scary movies, for good reason. At the moment, he was not thinking about what he was really asking permission to do or the consequences of making a bad choice. He was blinded by the idea of having fun and being with his friend. The situation intensified as my phone chimed. I received a new text message from the mom of my child’s friend. It said, “I don’t mean to pressure you, but is it ok if we take (my child) with us to the movie? We are in your driveway.” Sure, no pressure at all. I really did not want him to go to this movie because I knew it was not the best thing for him. Not only that, but I wanted to call my husband for backup on this unpopular opinion, but he was out of town and unavailable. Giving In To Pressure As my mind swirled, my knee throbbed and the anticipation of my excited kid was palpable. I felt like I was melting down. At that moment, I began to argue with myself. I’m always the fun killer. I say no a lot! Will it really hurt him to see one scary movie? The pressure to compromise was too much and I allowed him to go despite my strong instinct to not allow it. He got home that night and it wasn’t long before the consequences of my mistake were evident. It started with vomiting from too much junk food and ended with a scared boy sleeping in my bed. The guilt and regret I felt was heavy. I knew what was good for him, and I chose to go against my instincts. Now he was suffering. I wished that I had been stronger, more firm, and more confident in my decision to say no. The thing is, I am older and wiser. I could see past the immediate appeal of fun to think about how he was too young to watch something scary. This lasted for several months. He was afraid to go to bed and to be alone. My husband and I had to comfort and reassure him often. The experience wasn’t completely in vain, though. A few months down the road, my son wanted to do something that I did not approve of. When I gave him a no, his initial reaction was not great. He felt this was unfair and that I was just being a fun killer. Everyone else got to do it! I used this opportunity to remind him of the scary movie incident. I reminded him that I compromised, and we both lived to regret it. Trust God Knows Better Furthermore, I explained that he may not always like, agree with, or understand my answer. However, one thing that he could always trust was that I loved him very much and every decision I made was in his best interest. He hugged me and agreed to trust me, whether he liked it or not. I was overcome with a feeling that could only come from the Holy Spirit. It was an understanding that I could not fully explain. I somehow knew that God used this moment to show me how I needed to trust Him as my Father. I may not like His answer and may rarely understand it, but I can always trust that He loves me and will always protect me. “Look at the proud one, His soul is not right within him, but the righteous will live by his faith in the true God.” – Habakkuk 2:4 Trust in a relationship means that you rely on another because you feel

How Do You Trust His Plan?

Trust God, Obedience, God the Father

Have you ever thought about this, trust is not something you can be taught, it’s something you have to experience. It wasn’t until I became a parent that I truly started to understand the relationship God wanted to have with me. In my early years of following Jesus, the Bible was a history book to me. It was a great collection of stories about past events that explained our existence and how the world came to be. It also prophesied how it would cease to exist. Furthermore, it was filled with many dos and don’ts, and the idea that God loves us was sprinkled in there as well. I was comfortable with the fact that God was the Creator, the Savior and the King of Kings. What I did not fully understand is that God is my Father. Then It Happened One summer day when my kids were young, we were doing our boring morning routine and getting ready to eat lunch. The kids were restless because the weather was beautiful, and they wanted to enjoy it. I had planned to pack them up and take them to the beach for a fun day of sand and swimming. I did not tell them the plan because, in the past, when I would tell them about our fun plans too early, the hours leading up to leaving were rough. They would get so excited that they would become time-blind and ask every few minutes when we were leaving. They would focus on all the excitement to come and have no focused attention for the tasks at hand, like getting dressed, eating lunch, brushing their teeth, etc. Out of sheer survival and being outnumbered, I learned to withhold exciting news until closer to our departure time. I knew we had a fun day planned, but my kids did not. They all turned on me quickly. They began grumbling and complaining that “we never do anything fun” and our house is “boring.” I will be honest; it was difficult to keep my composure during these unfair and untrue accusations. I said to the grumpy mob of kids, “Would you just trust me? You don’t know it, but I have a good plan for you today! First, I need you to eat your lunch.” As soon as the words left my mouth, I felt it. I just spoke scripture to my children. “For I know the plan I have for you declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” – Jeremiah 29:11 Life Lesson Learned My mind left the room for a few minutes as I took in the words I spoke. This is exactly how God, MY father, feels about me. How often do I grumble, complain, and fail to receive His goodness because I do not know the good plan He has for me? It also occurred to me that I don’t tell my children what is coming because, at their ages, they do not have the capacity to handle knowing things that are too far into the future. In order to both protect them and get the best out of them in the moment, I would give them information on a need-to-know basis. As their mom, I knew that I was bearing the weight and responsibility of what the future held. The planning and readiness were on my shoulders, not theirs. What I needed from them was obedience. I needed them to do what I asked of them and trust that I had a good plan and was capable of carrying it out. What a moment of total clarity! That day, I saw God as my Father. I am His child. I need to trust Him and be obedient. As I parented my own children, I could fully relate to who He is.

How Do You Forgive?

Forgive, Forgiveness, God forgives you, The Village Christian Church

What comes to your mind when you hear the word forgive? That can be a loaded question, right?!? Is forgiveness something that you hope to receive, but you struggle to give? Whether you are a follower of Jesus or not, I would submit that this statement is true. “Not forgiving someone who has wronged you is like drinking poison and hoping that the other person dies.” Think about that for a moment. So often, when we hold on to the anger and bitterness, it just eats away at us. We’ve all had people who have wronged us in our lives. It may have been in the past, or it may be happening right now. Either way, we have a choice. You have a choice. Forgive that person, or let it eat you alive. Forgiveness is NOT EASY! Years ago, Staples had a fun advertising ad where they said they could easily fix all our office needs. Just hit the easy button and Staples will fix it. I so wish it was that way for us and forgiveness. There is a wild little book in the Bible called Hosea. In the book, God called Hosea to take back his wife, “Gomer” (yes, a very odd name for a lady). One problem for Hosea was that his wife had been unfaithful in their marriage. Hosea’s wife, Gomer, had cheated on him not once, but multiple times and was currently with another man. Talk about a tough marriage situation! God asked Hosea to take back his wife to symbolically show his people how He still loves us in spite of us turning our backs on him multiple times. (Hosea 3:1) Hosea boldly went out and took his wife back, and he loved her unconditionally. The people saw this and had an amazing one-sentence reply. “Come, let us return to the Lord.”  (Hosea 6:1) So Simple—Return to God So often we humans like to make things so complicated, but it can be very simple. Let’s forgive others and forgive ourselves, and then return to God. Allow him to do his best work in us today. Who do you need to forgive? I encourage you to take a few minutes right now to think about that. Now I encourage you to go to God for comfort and peace. What do you need God to forgive in you? Be honest with yourself. I encourage you to go to God right now and allow him to forgive you immediately. Scripture encourages us so beautifully with this verse, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.  (1 John 1:9) Check out this message on What the Bible Says About Forgiving.

How Do You Follow What God Says To Do?

God's ways, God says, follow God

  The ways of the world are certainly different from the ways God says we are to live, aren’t they? I constantly see this pattern displayed in the media, TV shows, commercials, everywhere. It seems like society almost prides itself in complaining about their children, their spouse, their work. If we can’t commiserate together about how “aggravating” or “time-consuming” our family is, what other common ground do we share? Now, we are going to talk about God’s ways. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. – Romans 12:2 In a world that says “kids are so stressful,” God says they’re a blessing. In a world that says “you do you, as long as you’re happy,” God says to serve others before yourself. In a world that screams pride and accomplishments, God calls us to humility and recognize our flaws and desperate need of saving. In a world that thrives on badmouthing your spouse, God asks us to lay down our own life for them. What Are You Going To Build Your Life Upon? While the ways of the world may seem enticing, shiny, popular, and fulfilling… that happiness is only fleeting. Your circumstances can and will change, and building your life upon anything other than the solid foundation of Jesus will inevitably make your home fall apart. When I tell people we homeschool our 4 kids, they often look at me like I’m crazy. It’s almost always followed by the question, “how in the world do you do it?!?” Spoiler alert: I don’t. God does. Something I’m working on every single day is not placing all of my value and worth in what reading level my kids are on or how athletically gifted our kids are (or aren’t). If my children learn one thing in life and one thing alone – That God loves them, and they are HIS – then I can rest in that, feeling accomplished. A relationship with Jesus is and always will be my biggest goal for our children. The world will never satisfy their souls. Being number one on their little league team will never find them eternal peace. Having the most expensive pair of shoes will never cause them to repent of their sins. Making sure they “fit in” and are enrolled in every activity possible will never deepen their relationship with Jesus. There are times and places for sports, clubs, and things of that nature, of course… But prioritizing their spiritual life needs to always be first. Something That Lasts God tells us to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength.” He tells us to commit ourselves wholeheartedly to His commandments. Not only that, but to “repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.” Deuteronomy 6:5-7 The world says they should be reading at XYZ levels, going to Ivy League school, enrolled in 8,000 sports programs and extra activities, and so much more. God says all we need to do is love him & love others more than ourselves. God’s way wins. Every time. We would love to meet you and share more about what to do to take the next step. We are here to help. Contact us.  Learn more about God’s ways and how to follow them, Check out Rooted.

How To Improve Your Relationships

Improve your relationship

Taking The First Step To Improve Your Relationships As an adult, I took a step and began attending a bible teaching church. Now, I not only believe in God, but desire to know Him personally. He drew me to scripture, Bible study, and yes, even stirred an appetite to never miss church services. My relationship with Jesus continues to be more and more important to me. The more I learn, the more I want to learn. The empty place in my soul is now overflowing with His amazing grace! He put the offer on the table, and I seized it. Will you? I almost forgot the best part—it was free. Now, we know not every relationship lasts forever. Some end because of distance or a change in interests. There is a portion we lose because of arguments, betrayals, or misunderstandings. Even though some end, each shaped something in your life. Relationships are at the forefront of our lives and it takes work to improve your relationships. Whether it be our family, friend circle, church family, or a ministry in which we serve, each one of these relationships has meaning and purpose. We value these connections and, therefore, nurture them. We take time to grow closer and share in each other’s joys and sorrows. They aren’t always easy, but when watered with honesty, love, time, and commitment, they bloom into beautiful blessings. “and let’s consider how to encourage one another in love and good deeds,” – Hebrews 10:24 You Were Created For Relationship Did you know you were created for relationship? Not just with other people, but with your Creator Himself. Wow! Talk about a valuable friendship. I can’t think of any other relationship that could top the one God offers. It might be difficult to believe He is interested in us, but He is. After all, God orchestrated a perfect plan, that we might know Him for eternity. We don’t always realize this offer is on the table, do we? Growing up, I thought going to church was a chore. I treated it as something I had to do because my parents told me to. I kept going week after week because of expectations or half-explained traditions. Furthermore, I never gave a thought to “who” might wait for my presence in that big brick building with stained-glass windows. It wasn’t a place of relationship for me, but a place of obligation. Sounds terribly sad, doesn’t it? So many years wasted when I could have had so much more. But God saw me. “For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” – Zephaniah 3:17 Ask yourself, is there something within you longing for something greater? Is your soul nearing empty? God places the same offer before you. Will you take it? Walk into a genuine relationship with Him. You will find what you’ve been seeking, receive all that you need, and begin a journey of a lifetime. He sees you too. “And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” – Jeremiah 29:13 Do You Need Encouragement? We all need encouragement. One way to experience encouragement is to connect with others. Weare here for you. You are not alone. Join a Lifegroup and surround yourself with people who will lift you up and encourage your relationship with God Let Us Pray For You Talk To A Pastor

Life Change When God Is On The Move

life change

Watching God on the move has been my favorite thing ever. Looking back at how life used to look, it is so encouraging knowing that life change was possible. I was such an angry person inside. Every little bother or inconvenience usually instigated a slew of curse words in my head about how lacking someone else was. I walked around my own house, which should have been a safe and welcoming place, picking apart the mistakes of my family while resentment brewed. Alcohol was a huge part of my social life. It was something I desperately clung to while interacting with others. Even when my kids would comment about how many empty white claw cans were on our counter, I didn’t care. I was selfish and living for myself, and everyone around me just fell into second place. Then Jesus Happened You can roll your eyes or think Jesus is made up and silly. You can think He isn’t here with us to show that 100% of the Bible is accurate. There is no way to produce Him physically to tell and show the miracles He is capable of doing. I get it. If you’ve ever loved someone, clung to that love, and were willing to die over that love, then you’re not too far from putting all of your eggs into the basket of faith, yourself. You can’t prove love, touch love, or produce a physical entity of love. But you sure can believe in it with all of your heart, body, and soul. God was on the move and Jesus came into my life. Slowly but surely, so many negative things were stripped out of my life: Anger was peeled back, giving way to thankfulness. Bitterness was quietly replaced with forgiveness behind the scenes. My attitude that things were never good enough changed to humbling, unbelievable gratitude to our God for the people and blessings He’s placed in my life. From there, the rest was history. God Moves And Change Takes Place Once you experience the weight being lifted off your shoulders, you are eager for more. I dove into reading His Word (I highly recommend the New Living Translation for new readers) and immersed myself in studying the Bible. I watched relationships renew, gratefulness emerge, and my own life transform into something better. My quiet scorn was replaced with a smile, and I didn’t realize it, but I hadn’t rolled my eyes in months. A year ago, I was focused on material objects, partying, having what appears to be a perfect life, jealousy, and so many selfish desires and goals. Today, I have faith that God directly intervened in my life to save me. The happiness I have experienced from having a relationship with Jesus is just as valid as the love a parent has for their kids. It’s tangible, unbreakable, and without a doubt – REAL! Is There More To Life? The answer is yes – there is. Pick up a copy of the Bible and read it, search for it online, or download the YouVersion Bible App on your phone. I was told by a few incredible Christian friends to start with the New Testament and see where God leads you. Read it. It is filled with a literal blueprint of how to live your life and how to find a better way, a better place, a better purpose. In doing so, I have full faith that you will be able to: “throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception.” Ephesians 4:22 and instead, find yourself with a: “…new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.” Ephesians 4:24 I know I did. I would love for everyone to know what a better life they would have if they just read it. After all, you can’t knock something you don’t know anything about, right? I challenge you to get to know the Bible and Jesus’s love and make your decision only after that. God is there, patiently waiting on the other side. He is ready and willing to change your life, just as He so lovingly did to mine. All you have to do is open a book. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17