The Village Live - Church Online

Life is busy. Work, your significant other, kids, activities, the house, friends, and you’re just trying to balance it all. It can be hard. We get it. You’re trying to do the best you can, but life brings challenges. Sometimes you just can’t physically get to church on a Sunday or you’re uncomfortable with the in-person experience. It’s okay. We’re here to support and encourage you.

The Village Christian Church wants to meet you where you’re at, connect and equip you to do the best you can in life. You are not alone – The Village is here for you! The Bible tells us what Jesus said…

“where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am with them.”

What Is The Village Live Online Campus?

The Village Live, the Online Campus of The Village Christian Church, is a way for you to encounter Jesus and experience community anywhere, anytime. It’s an easy way to connect in the comfort of your own home or when you’re traveling.

The service is live-streamed on Sundays at 9 AM and 10:30 AM Central Time on our website, YouTube, Facebook, Roku, AppleTV, and Amazon FireTV. You can also watch on-demand. Choose what works best for you!

If you opt for the streaming platforms, search The Village Live and make sure to put a space in between each word. 

A team is available to chat and pray with you, making this an interactive and supportive community. We are here for you!

Engage on your own, with your family, or invite friends over. Here at The Village Christian Church, we don’t believe “church” is a building – it’s a community. Whether you live down the street, in another state or country, there’s a place for you at The Village!

Our mission is the same with our online campus as it is at all of our campuses – we are here to help people experience Life Change, Life Growth, and Life Purpose.

The Village Live Anytime Anywhere

You can watch anytime that’s convenient for you! Access free online sermons and catch up on past video messages or rewatch a video message. Be equipped and encouraged with this free content.

Connect In An Online Lifegroup

Lifegroups are a place to take a break from those busy demands of everyday life. They are a place to build authentic friendships – connect with friends, laugh, and serve together. Hang out with your people, love Jesus and each other and experience community – that’s where life growth happens.

Invite Friends To Your House

The Village House Campuses are basically you inviting your friends over to “do church” together. We will provide you with the tools for you to BE THE CHURCH. It’s easy, it’s fun and we are here to help you!