Make Room Jesus The Village Christian Church

Make Room

Minooka Campus

Sundays March 16 through April 13

8:00 am
 – 8:45 am
9:00 am
 – 10:00 am
10:30 am
 – 11:30 am

Seneca Campus, Coal City Campus, Online Campus

9:00 am
 – 10:00 am
10:30 am
 – 11:30 am

Shorewood Campus

9:30 am
 – 10:30 am

What if God, right now, is inviting us into something uncomfortable or unknown or what might seem to be risky?

If that is true (which by the way… IT IS), the question is…”Will we trust Him to take the leap?

Our human nature is to want to be in control and only take risks that we think we can handle on our own, within our current budget, time, talent, comfort zone.  That’s a good thing for most of life.  Measure the risk, Minimize the risk.

But sometimes this seeps into our relationship with God.

We often neglect to MAKE ROOM for God to work, because our vision is only on our weaknesses, not His strength.

Week 1 – Make Room For More

Week 2 – Make Room For Others

Week 3 – Make Room For Unity

Week 4 – Make Room For Friends

Week 5 – Make Room For His Plan