The Village Team

Justin Walsh Coal City Campus The Village Christian Church
Coal City Worship Leader

Justin Walsh

Justin’s prayer each Sunday as he leads worship at the Coal City Campus is that he would simply stay out of the way and allow the Holy Spirit to move in only ways that He can. Justin had this to say, “At 43 I find it hard to believe that the Lord has led me to this opportunity and yet, this is something that only He could do. I see myself in this Worship Leadership role encouraging others to respond to who God is, not just when we’re all together and not just in song, but through the thick and thin of our day-to-day lives.”
Justin grew up in Morris, Illinois, interned (and volunteered) at First Christian Church in Morris for a couple of years before attending Cincinnati Christian University where he earned a degree in Leadership and Ministry.
Justin and his wife, Julie, live in Braidwood, Illinois with their daughter and son.

The Village Team

Lead Pastor
Shorewood Community Pastor
Minooka Community Pastor
Coal City Community Pastor
Seneca Community Pastor
Teaching Team Trainer & Speaker
Communications Director
Online Campus Director
Creative Arts Director
Coal City Worship Leader
Seneca Worship Leader
Shorewood Worship Leader
Prayer Pastor
Leadership Resident
Pulse Student’s Pastor
Coal City Pulse Director
Children’s Pastor Minooka/Shorewood
Coal City Children’s Pastor
Seneca Children’s Director
Financial Assistant
Seneca Pulse Director
Connections Leader
Seneca Community Administrator
Coal City Community Administrator
Communications Coordinator
Graphic Designer
Social Media Manager
Facility Manager