The Message This Week

Make Room For Unity
It’s important that we are not only on the same page, but the RIGHT Page!
What if God, right now, is inviting us into something uncomfortable or unknown or what might seem to be risky? If that is true (which by the way… IT IS), the question is…”Will we trust Him to take the leap?
Our human nature is to want to be in control and only take risks that we think we can handle on our own, within our current budget, time, talent, comfort zone. That’s a good thing for most of life. Measure the risk, Minimize the risk. But sometimes this seeps into our relationship with God.
We often neglect to MAKE ROOM for God to work, because our vision is only on our weaknesses, not His strength. Where do you need to “Make Room” for God to take next steps of big faith, big risk for Him?
"I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one...""
John 17:20-21

Helping To Feed The Hungry In Minooka
The Village is partnering with Northern Illinois Food Bank and will host a Mobile Food Pantry at the Minooka Campus, 8965 South Bell Road, on Monday, March 31, 5 pm.
Families in the Channahon, Minooka, and surrounding communities will be able to get enough groceries (bread, dairy, meats, veggies) for a week or two.

You Can Serve In Your Community
Dance The Night Away, a free prom for guests with special-needs will be hosted at the church, 8965 South Bell Road in Minooka on Friday, April 4 from 4:30-9 pm. WE NEED YOUR HELP! It takes about 250 volunteers to make this event a success.

Got Kids?
Most weeks, Kid Village is open Sundays for infants – grade 3 during the 9 and 10:30 AM services at Minooka and Coal City campuses and at the 9:30 AM service in Seneca! Use the button below to check out activities/videos if you’re not able to make it to in-person church.

investing in Students
Pulse is our student youth group – There are 3 groups: Pulse 45 (grades 4-5), Pulse Jr. (grades 6-8) and Pulse Sr. (high school). Check out our Students Page to see what’s going on!

Stay Connected
Find out what’s happening, be encouraged and equipped to further your relationship with Jesus. Use the button below to receive our weekly email newsletter. Get On The Enews List

let's connect on social
Groups on Facebook
- Facebook Village Friends – This is a place for all of our church family to have conversations, connect, and care for each other. Celebrate the great things happening here at The Village, ask questions. You can post prayer requests, needs, community information, etc.
- Pulse Students at The Village – This group is a community for students, leaders, and parents involved in Pulse 45, Pulse Jr. and Sr., which are our youth groups for grades 4 through high school. Find out information regarding the ministry and get a glimpse of some of the fun that happens in these groups.
- Kid Village – This group a community for Kid Village leaders and parents. A place you can communicate with leaders and other parents, a place to ask questions and see what your kids are doing while you’re in church.