How do you deal with challenges? When life is hard, it is so tempting to just give into worry, discouragement, or fear. Did you know that you don’t have to be miserable even when you are going through tough circumstances? You can choose something else.

It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the things of this world, to get busy, distracted, and you miss what matters. Today I want to encourage you to take a breath, sit still, and focus on the bigger picture. Here are some reminders of truths to focus on.

Choose Joy!

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

I am fortunate to have many wonderful mentors in my life. My mentor in prayer is our Prayer Pastor, Lilye Sease. When I pray with Lilye I learn so much and it encourages me. I encourage you to find a mentor that can teach and encourage you.

One of the things Lilye often says in prayer is the verse above…”this is the day that Lord has made, let us REJOICE and be glad in it.” Joy is not based on circumstance and it’s different than happiness. Happiness is based on what happens (I get a Christmas gift I like, I’m happy). Joy is more elusive. It’s that internal feeling that says your life is ok, you’re at peace, and therefore you have joy.

I wake up every day and can quickly lean towards worry. Can you relate? You may feel hopeless, discouraged, unsatisfied, disappointed, and/or scared. Especially in these days of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is worry and fear about getting through all of this. The Bible teaches me, and my mentor has reinforced in me, a different approach.

God made this day. There’s opportunity all around me to do good. And I need to CHOOSE JOY in the midst of it all. Regardless of the circumstance…if I choose JOY, I handle things better and I make others around me better. If I choose worry/discouragement/fear…I don’t handle things well and I drag others down.

Jesus can be your source of strength. Jesus can be your sense of hope. Today I encourage you to focus on that truth because only in Christ will you ever be fully and finally satisfied. Only in Christ will you be able to find that true joy.

Be reminded to have courage and choose JOY today! This is the day the Lord has made, let US (all of us) REJOICE and be glad in it.