By some miracle, I woke up easily and full of rest Sunday morning-time change Sunday! I was sitting on the couch thinking through the day, asking God what He had for me that morning as I prepared to be in Seneca for worship. I think what helped was my excitement to be at their campus-it had been a long time, and I love getting to see the team and people who are there week to week!

Furthermore, I try-especially on Sunday mornings-to ask God what I am supposed to say or do that day and for Him to show me clearly what I may have missed this week that He is trying to show me. A few moments later, my husband woke up, and I heard our dog, Scout, head down the stairs. I knew she was coming to say hello.

Finding Rest At The Start Of The Day

This is her rhythm if I’m the first one out of bed. She doesn’t want to go outside or grab a drink first, but she immediately comes and lays eyes on me. I say good morning and scratch her ears. Then she trots over to her bed nearby and snuggles in until the house is a little more active. She desires to be seen by me, given a little affection, and then she can rest.

Matthew 11: 28 – Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”

I think this moment with Scout is a glimpse into what God is inviting us to. In her mind, she needs to see me and come to me before she can go back to rest-even though we were literally in the same room all night and had only been apart for maybe 15 minutes. For her, nothing else matters or needs to happen first.

What if we trust that these words are true today? What if we come to our Savior for rest-for restoration? The next verse (still Jesus’ words) says,

Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Not only does Jesus invite us to come, but He also offers to show us how to do this—to let Him come alongside us (take my yoke) in our struggle, our heartache, our pain, and our frustration and allow Him to teach us a better way. With humility and gentleness. And find rest for our souls.

I wish it came as easily for me as it does for Scout, but thankfully, God is patient with my stubbornness, and gently God reminds us of His goodness-even in our pets! We wrapped up the Joy Challenge with a message on Joy, Despite Worry. I pray you find rest for your souls as you bring your worry to the Lord. He is waiting patiently for you to come to Him!

You can go back and watch The Joy Challenge messages and dive deeper with the discussion guides and videos.